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"Benji did you hear" Rosalind ran into her brother's study. It had been weeks since the coronation and Benjamin dove right into being king. A nice distraction from his thoughts about Princess Miranda. He shut out any news he may receive about her kingdom. It was just too painful to know she is so close yet so fat from him.

"Did I hear what" He read through a medical journal

"The Kingdom of SeattleGrace is in mourning" She tapped on his desk. He looked at his sister and closed his reading material.

"Mourning" He felt his heart begin to race wondering who died.

"Lord Tucker"

"Lord Tucker died" He raised an eyebrow. He wondered how Miranda was taking this

"Fell off a horse and hit his head" She explained

"A brain bleed" He eyed his journal "We should send an address" He nodded

"An address Benji" She scoffed. She knew her brother and this Miranda have something going on between them. And all he wants to do is send an official address rather than visit.

"Yes. Fetch me Knox so he can write it while I figure out what to say" Ben nodded and went back to his reading.

"Benjamin Warren you love her" Rosalind hit his desk but he didn't even bother to peel his eyes from his page. Of course he loves her but her husband is now dead. It would be highly inappropriate for him to act on his desire while she is in mourning.

"Her husband is dead Rosalind. You think she would appreciate me coming in with my royal carriage professing how much I love her. Her son is now without a father. You think what she needs now is me and all our big feelings. Leave me be" He pointed to the door. Rosalind said not another word and left the study. He found himself alone yet again. God how he wanted to be there for his love. He wished he could wrap his arms around her and let her know everything was okay. He could be her new husband and father for her son. He wondered exactly what pain she was feeling.

"Your majesty" George slowly walked into Tuck's room as to not startle the Queen. She was sleeping soundly in the rocking chair. That had been her routine since her husband's funeral. She buried her husband and a week later was crowned Queen. Many would think she would be having a breakdown right about now but Queen Miranda was taking it in stride.

"George what is it. Am I late for a meeting of some sort" She looked at him

"Your parents are here"

She got out of the chair and looked at her son. Her precious boy. He has no clue his whole world has been changed and she is going to have to tell him one day. She sighed and went to meet her parents

"Mother,Father" She hugged them

"Mandy" Her mother squeezed her

"We decided to stay here for a bit" Her father looked at her "with the death of Tucker we didn't want you in the castle all by yourself"

"I have the servants and Tuck. I am not alone" She nervously pulled at her fingers.

"Fingers darling" Her mother put her hand on hers "A queen does not nervously pull her fingers"
She sighed and looked at her mom before falling back into her arms sobbing. She was angry at her husband and for a moment she hated him. But that was her first love. The father of her son and at this moment she missed him.
Her mother held her as she cried and rubbed her hands through her hair. Eventually her sobs had silenced down to sniffles and her parents were just standing there hugging her

"Have you addressed the kingdom yet" Her father asked

"No" she sniffled

"I will then" He kissed the top of his daughter's head

"Your majesty" A guard approached and waited to be addressed

"Yes" She looked at him

"A visitor approaches in a royal carriage"

"Want me to handle it" Her father looked at her. She considered saying yes but she felt something compelling her to see who this visitor in a royal carriage was
They walked outside to see who had come to visit. She had expected addresses to come in from neighboring kingdoms but not visitors.

The carriage door opened and King Benjamin appeared with flowers.

"King Benjamin this is a surprise" Miranda's father looked at him

"My own kingdom was in mourning not too long ago. I figured the Queen could use a friendly face at this time" He smiled. Miranda looked at his smile and couldn't help but smile back. Is it wrong she couldn't be happier to see him? She wanted to run to him and be overtaken by his strong arms and scent but instead she was stood there and smiled.

"Thank you King Benjamin. Would you like to walk the gardens with me"

"My pleasure" He held out his arm and she took it
Her parents watched as they walked away. Her father may be oblivious to what's going on here but her mother was not. She eyed this King and the way her daughter melted for him. She would be happy for her if she didn't just watch her son-in-law's casket be taken into the family mausoleum.

"So how are things in MercyWest" Miranda asked distracting herself from the real thoughts in her mind

"Things are grand. You know I managed to sneak away and listen to some medical lectures by Dr. Richard Webber. The man is so wise" Benjamin smiled "I brought some medical journals with me, if you would fancy reading them"

"I would like that" She smiled
It was quiet for a moment as they walked before Miranda spoke again "Does it ever feel real"

"You mean their death" He sighed "for me my father's death became real the moment the King's crown touched my head" he looked at her "I went back to my chambers and cried like a baby"

"Mama" Tuck ran over to her and wrapped himself around her legs

"What are you doing out here" She picked him up and kissed his cheek

"I figured he could use a walk in the garden as well" Her mother walked over and tickled Tuck. "Say garden William"
He just laughed.

"So this is the young prince" Ben smiled

"Yep William George" Miranda turned to Ben so he could get a better look at her son. Ben admired her holding her son. He imagined what she would look like holding their children.

"Your highness" Ben bowed to Tuck. Miranda laughed at the gesture. Elena eyed Benjamin. He clearly was in love with her daughter and her daughter was clearly in love with him.

"May I steal the Queen" She smiled and took Miranda by the arm over to a bench


"You two are in love" She stared at her daughter

"My husband just died mother"

"And I see the way you two look at each other. I saw it the night of the ball and I see it now"
Miranda just cuddled her son closer and said not a word. Her mother just sighed and continued her lecture.
"This is inappropriate right now. What would the people say. What would your father think"

"He is just being friendly" Miranda got up and walked back over to Ben to continue their walk.

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