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"Queen Miranda you must calm down"George watched as the Queen paced back and forth. Tugging at her fingers. She came to the library to calm herself but she was still very nervous.
Elena glared at her at her daughter "Mandy dear Queens don't tug on their fingers"
It was the night before her wedding and Miranda found herself unbelievably nervous. She wasn't sure why. She loved Ben. Ben loved her. They publicly courted for months and then decided to go forward with a Royal Wedding. What was she nervous about?

"Mommy" Tuck ran to her

"Hey man" She hugged him tight

"Look" He showed her the crown he was supposed to wear tomorrow.

"How'd you get a hold of that" She tickled him

"He was excited so I may have allowed him to peek" Her father walked in

"Now William what if he breaks it" Elena reprimanded her husband

"He just wanted to show his mother" William took it back "Place this back in the case would you George"

"Yes sir" George smiled and left with the crown

"When is King Ben coming" Tuck excitedly ran around the room

"Ben will be here tomorrow" She laughed at her son's excitement to see Ben. His presence calmed her down.

"Is he coming to live with us" He asked

"Yes. But Ben will be traveling from our castle to his castle" She settled her son into the chair next to her's.

"Will he be King here too" Tuck asked

"That is a good question William George. Do you two plan to merge the kingdoms now" Elena asked

"Officially yes our marriage will unite our kingdoms. However he rules over his and I shall over mine" Miranda explained

"And an heir" Her mother raised her eyebrow

"We haven't even made it down the aisle mother" She scoffed

"I meant Tuck" Elena quickly lied

"Sure" She sensed her mother's dishonesty. She wanted to know if she planned to give Ben an heir.

"What's an heir" Tuck asked

"An heir is who is meant to rule next. Your mother is your grandfather's and you are your mother's" Elena kissed her grandson's cheek.

"I'll be like King Ben" Tuck beamed "King William George"

"And a fine King you'll be" Miranda laughed

"Alright your highness time for bed" William laughed lifting up his grandson

"Good night" He waved to his grandmother and his mother as they walked out

"You should get some rest too" Elena smiled at Miranda

"A gift" George walked back in and handed it to Miranda. She slowly undid the ribbon and the paper fell revealing a medical book. She ran her hand over the cover and opened the book. It was signed by Dr.Richard Webber himself. She beamed with happiness. She read the letter attached.

Dear my Queen,

I imagine you are probably racking your brain with all the things that could wrong but just remember none of them matter because we are getting married. At the wedding I will hear nothing and see nothing other than you. But since I know my woman. Here is a medical book that you can bury all your worries in

Love King Benjamin

"He's a keeper" Elena smiled seeing her daughter's face soften and the worry leaving her. She knew the gift was from Benjamin based on her Miranda's face alone.

"He really is" She laughed

"Now, go get some rest. We do not need a tired bride" Her mother laughed linking arms with her as they walked out of the library.

"I didn't feel this with Tucker" Miranda broke the comfortable silence between her mother and herself

"You and Tucker were not ready for a marriage" Her mother sighed. She knew it before her daughter had gotten married but what was she supposed to say. They are a traditional family and so marriage and kids are the way to go. She knew her daughter loved her family but something else pulls at her heart. This something else is her love of medicine. King Benjamin shares the same love so he understands. He gets Miranda in a way Tucker never did. He respects Miranda in a way Tucker never did. He is right for Miranda and well Tucker was not.

"I felt that" She nodded "But marriage and kids are right"

"Marriage and kids are right when they are with the right one" Elena interjected "Tucker was not the right one"

"The nanny said they never slept together" Miranda shook her head "at his funeral she came to me and said they never slept together" The audacity Miranda thought. She immediately fired the woman. She had the mind to make her suffer but she rose above and just told the woman to get far away from her otherwise bad things may occur

"Your father doesn't know about Tucker's wandering. He is harsh on you because there is a standard of the royal family. But as someone who married into royal I understand that we are people before we are royals. We have to honor our humanity in order to honor our titles. I convinced your father to give you the throne because you're ready for It, and he needed to let go. I remember when I let go. It is hard to do so. But once I did and I watched you flourish it was worth it.

"Tuck is starting his lessons soon" She looked at her mother "and he will be right in the castle but I can't just spend my days hovering over him. He has lost his father and doesn't quite understand it. He's so excited for Ben to be here but this is a big adjustment for him and he just sees it as a new playmate is coming" Miranda chuckled "I'm worried that all these big adjustments are too much"

"For your son or for you" Her mother gave her a knowing look

'For me" She nodded

"You are Miranda Bailey" Her mother looked at her eye to eye. "You run a whole kingdom. And you run it gracefully. You can handle this as well. And you don't have to handle it alone. Benjamin will be adjusting as well. I hear he has a reputation of being a bit of a free spirit. He settled to become King but he likes to travel and learn. I understand you both have a love of medicine. He got to explore his. He is adjusting to being King and will have to adjust to being your husband and a father figure to Tuck"

"We can do this" Miranda nodded

"Exactly" Her mother hugged her "Now you read that book until your mind is clear" She gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked off. Miranda chuckled and walked into her room.

She sat on the bed and let out a sigh. She's getting married and despite her nerves. Inside she was jumping for joy. Fully prepared for her future with Benjamin.

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