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Artemis P.O.V

Inside the court on mount Olympus the gods gathered for an impromptu meeting, I watched them all seated and surrounding the hall that had its chairs floating amidst the clouds. The expressions painted on each god's face holding wariness.

“why are we gathered here exactly?” one of the gods asked.

a god walked forward, his floral dress trailing behind him in a cascade of flurries, the ivy wreath on his head complementing the otherworldly tone of his skin.

“The reason is simple. I have brought two cases before the court. One which demands urgency.”

Zeus scowled, not liking the idea of a court meeting, “and what might it be, Dionysus? To have us all leaving private matters.”

“I might have to break one of your sacred rules, Zeus. Do I have your permission? To proceed?”

He uttered the words with caution and I could faintly guess what sacred rule of Zeus he was about to break.

“Speak on child. I do not have all the time in the world.” He grated, his annoyance blossoming.

“But you do.” another god countered. “you're Zeus after all.”

Dionysus cleared his throat, “It's about Hades.”

Everyone present in the room let out a terrified gasp. Father hated that name and even on mount Olympus they knew of his profound hatred for his brother. I wondered who was going to stop him if he suddenly flew off the handle in anger now that Poseidon had his hands full and wasn't present.

I studied Zeus, watch him struggle to hone some ounce of control. Gritting his teeth he spoke, avoiding Hade's name like mentioning it stung.

“what about my brother?”

“I've heard words. Little whispers here and there. He is trying to free the titans from Tartarus.”

Another equally petrified gasp echoed throughout the halls, the sound sliding my lips from shock. I felt tension roll off every god seated, recalling how father an his siblings fought hard to seal the titans away, and more especially their cruel father Cronos

“I hope you know your words is subjected to treason?!” Hera fired in dismay and disbelief.

The god merely nodded sagely, "I know. If you doubt the words I speak or my integrity and loyalty to the court, why not ask the Fates? Let them commune with us and tell us what fate spins for all of us here seated?"

Several distinctive chatters filled the hall room, Mother's brows furrowed at the ongoing debate.

“Silence!” Zeus commanded, his voice rattling the foundations of the court room their talks stilled at the effect.

“There will be no need to have the Fates meddle in this affair. Say, you're right and he's attempting to free the titans, we needn't not fret, our mightiest warriors are present.” he feared the Fates, dreading them like a plague.

“And whom might they be?” Dionysus inquired, his tone clipped with an hint of sarcasm, “Our mightiest warriors?”

“Athena, Apollo and Artemis of course."

“The kids?! We'd leave our fates, the fate of the court in their hands?! A bunch of petulant child?” A god asked.

“petulant?!” Demeter scoffed.

Another replied. “One is temperamental and hotheaded, the other wears a nonchalant attitude like a sleeve. And Apollo? That god presently smitten by a mortal?”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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