Apollo's P.O.V

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I walked in. Feeling tired, drained and exhausted. Being away from Hayley felt like death. It slowly drained me but, Artemis had begged me to promise her I wouldn't be a problem to Hayley and I promised her. Poseidon told me she made him promise to do so too, so we all decided to pick a specific time to stay at home, and would avoid contact with her as much as possible.

But as I saw her, my resolution was shaken. "Hayley" I said with a frigid smile.

She noticed I looked too haggard she got up from where she sat, and walked towards me,

"Hey, what's wrong? You look–"

"I look what!?" I snapped, angrily, I wasn't angry at her, I was angry at myself. I couldn't control my emotions and if I stayed too long, I would never want to leave until I was deep inside her. I walked away to my room, to try and calm myself.

What was wrong with him? She was just being concerned. She tried to contain her anger but she couldn't. She had to give him a piece of her mind.

A few minutes later, she headed up to his room, she knocked on his door and he opened. His hair looked disheveled and she could tell he'd just finished taking a shower. He was shirtless as usual, but, he wore flower patterned shorts.

"Hayley, I'm–"

"Just shut up! You walked in, looking like some worn out zombie, I was only being concerned. I don't see you around anymore except during the day. Most times you don't even stay long before leaving again. You don't teach me anymore, you don't talk to me like you used to. Why Apollo!? Why?" She said, pouring out my anger on him. She wasn't angry with just him–oh no! Poseidon was included.

I stared at her surprised, as she spoke. I'd never seen her this angry. My actions must have hurt her. Then I smiled, I was happy she was angry. She'd missed being with me as much as I'd missed being around her. And at that moment, I'd determined not to let her go.

I pulled her into the room to myself and she gasped. My eyes bore deep into hers and I spoke, I had to let her know I could no longer stay away.

"I'm sorry Hayley. I tried to stay away. I know I'm under Eros's love spell, so I can't control most of what I did, but I promised Artemis I would try to keep my distance while she was away" 

He promised to keep his distance? This wasn't keeping his distance! This was shutting her out! All the anger returned and she struggled to push me away, but I held her firmly.

"You promised to keep your distance? Then why bother explaining yourself to me huh? Why!?" She scowled.

"Because I can't anymore." I said, as my lips claimed hers. She struggled to get away but my grip tightened and slowly, I felt her submitting herself to me.

I lifted her off the ground and she wrapped her arms and legs around me.

Slowly, she was being consumed by him and there was nothing she could do to stop it. No–on the contrary, she'd wanted this with him. His hands cupped her ass from beneath the dress she wore, pressing her closer to him.

Their bodies was going up in flames as their bodies cleaved to each other and the tender kiss grew wild and passionate. their bodies shuddering with a wild level of no control.

She moaned into his mouth as his hands groped and squeezed her ass in an intensely sensual way. Their breathing was ragged and he tore his lips away from hers, only to replace them after a they'd both dragged in enough air.

He undid the zipper on her dress and climbed up the bed with her still wrapped around him. He pulled down the dress, as he dropped her on the bed. His gaze hazy with desire as he stared at her in nothing but bra and underwear.

As he tried to unsnap her bra, she moved back and he could see the hesitation in her eyes. She wanted him too, but had doubts.

"Hayley" her name was a low moan of needs on his lips.

"Let me touch you." He said, his voice thick and gruff with desire.

He trailed kisses down her skin and his fingers gently stroked her tender skin. When he'd gotten between her thighs she gasped, trying to pull away but he held her still. His fingers gently stroked her through the silk fabric she wore. She gasped, arching her back.

As he touched her, he felt her dampen and his hand travelled up, pushing the bra out of the way, while his fingers encircled the peak of her tout nipple. She moaned softly, pushing herself up on his fingers stroking her slowly.

He smiled against her skin and lifted his head.

"I want to taste you." He said, his body was growing impatient, but he was curious to know how she tasted. She nodded helplessly as his administrations on her body made her mind fuzzy and she could concentrate on nothing more than the pleasure she felt.

He pulled down the underwear and she lifted, when he'd gotten them off, he settled his head between her thighs and the moment his tongue touched her most sensitive part, she shuddered, her hands finding it's way into his hair, to keep it right where she wanted it– between her thighs.

Her taste alone was as addictive as her cries of pleasure when his tongue worked it's way up and down her clit. He latched onto it, sucking, rolling his tongue on the part that pleasured her the most.

His fingers continued to pull and roll her nipples between them, she panted. Rolling her hips into him.

"Oh!" She screamed as he pushed his tongue into her core. She bucked and squirmed. Her moans were loud and long as he thrusted his tongue faster into her. Her core continued to pool with her own juice and he lapped it up.

He brought down a hand, pushing a finger into her, working her body into a state of mess with his tongue on her. He thrusted his finger in, his tongue swirling fast around her. Working her over the edge. She grunted, pushing deeper on him, he groaned as she clenched tighter around his fingers.

He wanted nothing more than to be inside of her. It was almost more pleasure than she could bear and yet, she wanted more, any moment from now, she would come undone.

She pushed his head away from her, "no more! I can't take anymore. " She cried out.

He moved up and his lips claimed hers, and she rolled her hips, rocking herself on his bulge. He groaned, rocking back into her.

"Apollo" she said, and he'd understood her wants and needs.

Then I'd remembered entering into her now meant the spell would be broken. I didn't know how I would live if I never felt all this. I'd rather be under a spell for her, than to be free from it.

I pulled away from her, "I'm sorry. I can't do this"

"What!?" She stared at me and I saw the hurt and disappointment in her eyes.

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