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“now you use my words against me.” I said.

He winked, "please, posey.” I said, pouting.

"Posey?” he asked.

I grinned, winking. Apollo moved forward, “you know, I was going to ask, what does that word 'fuck' means? You use it quite more often.”

Artemis, Poseidon and I eyed him wearily,

"What use is your stay amongst mortals if you can't grasp or understand what their words mean?” Artemis asked.

“just asking okay? I'm too busy focusing the sun in the right place to stop it from burning the mortals I couldn't concentrate on their vocabulary.” he replied.

“okay. It's just a curse word. Can we please get back to the matter at hand?”

Poseidon sighed, “fine! I'd let you go out through my room, only if you agree to doing whatever I ask”

What! I couldn't agree to this. What if he asks me to get my mouth on his–No! or much worse, my hand! I had to force down the bile that rose in my throat as some quite uncensored images filled me with disgust.

His chest rumbled with laughter as he spoke, “ calm down jelly, it's none of that. I just want to show you something” he said.

Phew! Okay. “okay then”.

“so, tell me, how do you intend on getting down?” he asked, folding his arms.

“oh please! One of you should help her down”

Poseidon helped me down, I wrapped my arms around his neck, shutting my eyes tight, screaming as he jumped down.

"You can open your eyes now." He said, dropping me down gently.
Ah! We're down already! So soon? How far did he jump? I wondered, glancing up.

Apollo and Artemis came down too, we chose a good spot beside the seashore, and Apollo dropped the cooler. He opened it and handed us each a can. Poseidon downed his own, running and diving into the sea.

"Woohoo!" He yelled.

He rose with the tide, diving in and out, screaming. Then he threw his shorts out of the sea.

"Wanna try?!" He shouted.

"No way!" We all replied, laughing. I'd seen Poseidon playful, but, tonight, he seemed really happy.
After few minutes of diving in and out, he rose out and Apollo spoke,

"I think you would want to close your eyes now. He'd lunched his shorts out of the sea. So, he's as unclad as the day he was formed."

"Oh!" I exclaimed,  covering my eyes with my palms as he rose out of the sea in all his glory and might. He chuckled and walked out, putting back on his shorts.

"You can open your eyes now." He said, settling himself beside me.oh! Did i forget to mention Apollo sat beside me too? Well, I'd tried to not be bothered by them tonight. I wanted fun! And that was what I'd get.

I took the last swig of the liquid in the can and Artemis handed me another.  She closed and opened her hands, when she did, fireflies emerged in large numbers.

"Oh!" I exclaimed excitedly, getting up, trying to catch one of them. She motioned her hands and the fireflies encircled me.

"I've been meaning to ask, are you perhaps interested in women? Is that why you've taken a particular inkling to this one?" Poseidon asked.

"What!?" Artemis scowled.

"I'm asking if you're bisexual? Or perhaps a lesbian?" He asked again.

Apollo sighed, "that's quite a ridiculous question to ask a virgin goddess."

"True." I added.

"Thanks but, I'm none of that. I'm the protector of unmarried maidens, so, she's under my protection." She said.

"Hmm, don't you feel sad? You watch as almost all maidens get paired up with a man, doesn't it feel unfair? That a man cannot do those wild and crazy things to you in bed to make your toes curl up?” He asked, smirking.

" First, I don't think my sexual life has anything to do with you.
Secondly, i don't regret my decision to stay pure." She scoffed.

He folded his arms around his chest, and I moved away, sitting beside Artemis. The fireflies moved with me. I know Poseidon had more things to say, he wasn't the type to let a matter die down once he'd started it.

He tsked, shaking his head, "Do you perhaps know why Eros keeps targeting your brother?" Poseidon said, and Artemis stared at him, unsure of what he'd meant.

"It's because he's been obsessed with you, for a very long time. He might be the god of love, but he's also not that good at hiding his feelings. Even Apollo knows"

She shot Apollo a deadly glare, "What! You knew and didn't tell me? For how long were you going to continue to suffer at his hands?" She asked, her tone crisp with annoyance.

"I'm not suffering okay? I understand how he feels. His presence isn't recognized here, because he's the son of Aries. And unfortunately for him,  he falls in love with a virgin goddess. I understand that feeling. I've been through it, a lot." He said.

"Well, if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have to go through all that." She frowned.

"That's because he feels all your love is diverted towards Apollo. He knows he can't get even a tiny bit of your affection." Poseidon said.

I just watched as they exchanged words, who was I to meddle anyways. If Eros loved Artemis then that was definitely a game changer. Suddenly, Artemis's gaze snapped towards Poseidon.

"Well, while we're at it, Hayley, do you know Poseidon was once married to a sea queen?" Apollo said

"Huh?" Sea queen? I guess I didn't know the full details of the Greek mythology. Suddenly, his face changed as he grimaced, hurt and sadness covered his expression.

"Don't! Don't talk about that. Please." He pleaded.

"Well, long story short, she died." Artemis said.

"Okay, that's enough!" I said, getting up from where I'd sat. Poseidon's eyes widened in surprise as i tried to defend him.

"Artemis, Poseidon only tried to pinpoint the main reason Eros had been on your brother's neck, if you don't enjoy him secretly admiring you, you could either talk to him about it, or let it go if you can't."

I saw a sudden flash of pain in her eyes, as we sat under the moonlight. For some reason, the moon was much more brighter tonight. Then realization of the truth dawned on me! She also liked him.

"I–i” she stuttered.

"If you like him, then, what's the problem? You don't entirely have to be a virgin goddess for eternity."

"That's the problem! I can't change that. That was what I asked for as a child, out of stupidity. I didn't think –" she paused.

"You didn't think a time would come when you'd love a man? Fuck it! You're a goddess but you also have a life to live. You cannot let Zeus, Hera, or anyone dictate how you should live your life. If you feel you want to be loved, make a decision, and let them all know of your decision." I ended, hugging her.

"I'm sorry uncle. And thanks for letting me know about this." She whispered but, surprisingly Poseidon heard.

"I always try to see to it that every one of you guys are happy and safe. I want nothing more than for us to go back to being one. Both Hades, Zeus and I. The family is broken, and there's more to do to patch it up." he said, heaving a sigh of burden. He leaned back, laying in the cold sand.

Apollo brought out cans of beer, "then let's drink away our sorrows."

Wonder why there's no day without bickering? It's in their blood. They're Olympians after all. Curious about what happens next? Vote, comment and read on.

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