Hayley's P.O.V

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"Argh!" I groaned, clutching my head tight. I must have had a lot to drink last night. I grunted, trying to shift the heavy weight off me.

"What the hell?" I cursed under my breath after few failed tries. I opened my eyes and turned to the direction of the heavy thing. "Oh!" I gasped. It wasn't just anything! It was someone!

The sun hadn't risen yet, but I could see it was about to. The curtains blocked most of the morning light. this wasn't right, we were drunk, outside, by the seashore! But this was a bed!

"Don't move." The person groaned, clutching me tight. "Where the heck are we?"

No no no! That voice! "Apollo! Why the fuck are you here? Behind me?" I asked. Pushing him off. I got up, lifting off the sheets to be sure I was intact.

I heaved a sigh of relief after noticing I was okay. Phew!. Oh, right! Back to my question!

"How did we get here!?" I asked again.

" I don't know okay? I asked you that same question first." He said facing the other side.

I stepped down from the bed, trying to take in the view of the room. That balcony!

"How the fuck are we in Poseidon's room!?" More importantly, why was Apollo on his bed?

" I don't know. Please just let me sleep." He whined, covering his ears with the pillow.

I moved back as Poseidon landed on his balcony. Still in the shorts he wore last night.  But he was wet. The kind of wet that could make your throats go dry and that sudden urge for water would hit you. Oh! How I wish I could touch that glistening body. His silky hair bounced back and forth as he tried to shake out the water like a wet puppy.

He smiled in a childlike manner, "Jelly. You've awoken."

" Oh, yeah. I have awoken." I cleared my throat as I struggled to snap out of my fantasy.

"Okay." He replied, moving forward.

"How are we in your room?"  I asked.

"You guys were too drunk last night, Artemis too. So, I brought you all into my room" he replied absent mindedly.

Oh! So, that's what he did. Where did he sleep?.

"Thanks for last night." I said. "I wonder why Artemis decided not to wake me when she did." I turned to leave but he spoke.

"Artemis isn't here."

"Huh?" I turned back to face him.

"When she woke up, she asked me to let you both get enough rest. So, she left. To Olympus." He replied.

"Ohh." Was the only word I could get out. I felt a little bit sad she'd left me. She told me already, but, a few weeks without Artemis would be boring.

Poseidon said nothing, he walked in and picked up a towel which he slung on his shoulder. He tapped Apollo.

"Not again!" Apollo mumbled as he rolled over. I couldn't help but laugh. I guess he had quite a lot to drink last night.

"Hey, get off my bed." Poseidon said.

I walked out of the room, and headed to mine. I had to go shower and prepare for the lonely days ahead.

Well, a week later after Artemis had gone, all I did was eat and sleep, eat and sleep. Poseidon got busy, only returned at night, Apollo on the other hand, also returned in the morning.

It was morning and I had taken my bath, worn something comfortable and sat down at the dining table to feast on my early morning pancake. When I was done, I moved to the living room, and scrolled through the movies on the iPad.

Oh, Artemis left me a note, telling me to use her iPad to keep myself busy. I couldn't find any Horror movie, all I saw was Romance movies and tons of cartoons.  she sure does have a strange movie taste.

The door opened and Apollo walked in. Looking tired, drained and exhausted. "Hayley" he said with a frigid smile.

I got up from where I sat, and walked towards him,

"Hey, what's wrong? You look–"

"I look what!?" He snapped, angrily, walking away to his room.

What was wrong with him? I was just being concerned. I tried to contain my anger but I couldn't. I had to give him a piece of my mind.

A few minutes later, I headed up to his room, I knocked on his door and he opened. His hair looked disheveled and I could tell he'd just finished taking a shower. He was shirtless as usual, but, he wore flower patterned shorts.

"Hayley, I'm–"

"Just shut up! You walked in, looking like some worn out zombie, I was only being concerned. I don't see you around anymore except during the day. Most times you don't even stay long before leaving again. You don't teach me anymore, you don't talk to me like you used to. Why Apollo!? Why?" I said, pouring out my anger on him. I wasn't angry with just him–oh no! Poseidon was included.

He stared at me surprised, as I spoke. Then he smiled. This time it was an honest healthy smile. He pulled me into the room into the hard curve of his body and I gasped. His eyes bore deep into mine and all the anger I had in me dissolved.

"I'm sorry Hayley. I tried to stay away. I know I'm under Eros's love spell, so I can't control most of what I did, but I promised Artemis I would try to keep my distance while she was away" he said.

He promised to keep his distance? This wasn't keeping his distance! This was shutting me out! All the anger returned and I struggled to push him away. But he held me firmly.

"You promised to keep your distance? Then why bother explaining yourself to me huh? Why!?" I said with a scowl.

"Because I can't anymore." He said, as his lips claimed mine. I struggled to get away but his grip tightened and slowly, I felt myself submitting to him, his strong arms around my body warmed me.

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