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Aphrodite's P.O.V

I walked out of the house, riding my chariots pulled by sparrows, of course I could be seen by humans but I had another route. Besides, I couldn't be seen if I was way up in the sky.

After getting to my secret hideout in the city, I headed towards my car. It was time to do things the human way. This hideout was only for my car and chariot. Thankfully, Poseidon gifted me this car two years ago.

Once I'd driven far into the city, I had to stop after the traffic lights hit red. A bike pulled up beside me and the rider had an helmet on. A familiar feeling hit me. I'd noticed his skin was too pale for a human. His black shoulder-length hair had perfect red streaks. As I stared at the broad-shouldered guy with leather jacket on the bike, I didn't know the lights were green now, and he rode away.

Suddenly, it dawned on me. This was Golden City, and gods roamed freely here, and there was only one god with that hair who'd loved leather jackets.

I sped off, following the bike behind. It was definitely Ares! I could never not know him. I trailed the bike as it took turns to the far end of the city. I was sure to keep my distance.

After trailing for almost five minutes, he took another turn towards an alley. I could no longer drive through so, I parked at the other end walking into the alley.

Finally, I'd gotten to the other end of the alley. There was no other way, except walls. Maybe he didn't come in through here. Maybe I'd lost him, my heart sunk in my chest for an unknown reason. He might not have been Ares.

I decided to walk away but, suddenly, a firm hand grabbed me from behind pushing me to the wall. I tried to break free, but his grip tightened. Suddenly he spoke,

"Why are you following me?" He asked. His voice filled with rage, as he spoke.

I'd recognized that voice, it was definitely Ares! I wondered why he still couldn't recognize me.

"Speak!" He ordered.

"Ares, it's-it's me. Aphrodite" I tried to get the words out, as I stuttered. I'd never thought I'd see him again, after the war.

"I know it's you. Why are you following me?" He asked again.

His words infuriated me! He knew it was me? And his only words were why I was following him. I suddenly found enough strength, I pushed him away as hard as I could, breaking free and before he could move closer I gave him a resounding slap. My voice shaky as tears filled my eyes. He clutched his cheeks tight.

"You knew it was me?! After all these years, I finally found you, and your only words were 'why are you following me' you abandoned me! You left me!" I yelled, as I moved closer to give him another slap.

He grabbed my hands, as his eyes gazed into mine, rage coursing through them.

"That's enough!"

"No! It's not, let go of my hands and I'd slap you over and over again until your senses returns. Ten years! You never even looked for me! You went with Hades!"

"How was I supposed to look for you? Huh?! Father turned his back against me, for siding with Hades. And ten years ago, you know how much I tried to beg him to let me have you, just you! But he refused, threatening to strike me down with lightning, if I ever set foot on both Olympia and Olympus again. " He said, letting go of my hand.

That was true. Zeus had despised every single gods who'd sided with Hades in the war.

"You could have at least tried to find a way to see me! You could have!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face, as I hit him continuously, on the chest.

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