Ghost Hunt

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"Y/N!!!!" Colby screamed."we are gonna be late if you don't hurry your ass here, " you could tell he was getting frustrated with waiting. "Yeah, yeah, hold your horses, Brock. I'm coming." You say as you run down the stairs and head to the car.

The entire car drive there you sat worrying about what you got yourself into as you look up to see the conjuring house...

"You okay?" The worried tone in colbys voice shook you out of thought. "Uh yea, I just didn't think we'd be spending a week here, to be honest, but I'm fine, worry bout yourself, brock," you scoffed.

You and Colby always had a very weird friendship he was always frustrated with you, and you always played it off and ignored him. On the other hand, you and Sam were like siblings never apart.

As the boys set their camera up for their intro, you couldn't help but wonder if it your fault colby was always frustrated or was it just his personality?

"You guys got us to 10 million followers!!!" Sam was hyped. "And as promised, we came back to the conjuring for a week, and staying with us for this is Y/N L/N!!" Colby says, gesturing for you to appear on camera. "Hey guys! Pleasure to be here with everyone. " You forced yourself to smile and get through this week.

After the boys finished recording for day 1, they ordered pizza and sat down. "You good?" Colby scoffed whilst pushing your arm lightly. "Uhm yeah, just slightly uneased."

As the night went on, you felt like someone was stalking behind you, a feeling you couldn't shake. As a sudden, sharp pain went across your back, causing you to yell in pain. "Y/N!!!" Colby ran towards you genuinely concerned for once.

"Colby..." Sam said with a scared tone. "She's bleeding pretty bad on her back." He mumbled. "Shit!" Colby ran to go get the first aid kit. "I need you to trust me for once today Y/N its the only way I can help." You looked at Colby with tears in your eyes. "Please just make the pain stop" you whimpered.

"HOLY FUCK" Colby shouted as he lifted your shirt. "Nothing was behind you how the fuck did you managed to get a massive claw mark cut into your back." You sat there worried knowing you shouldn't have came back, tears started falling as you sobbed into your hands.

"I shouldn't have came back they warned me they told me if I did I would regret it and now I do I really do I'm so sorry please ill leave right now just leave me alone leave my friends alone!" You muttered. Suddenly, you feel a hand pulled your head up. "Y/N this isn't your fault we shouldn't have brought you" Colby sounded so sincere you didn't believe this was the same guy you'd known.

"I'm so sorry I've ruined the trip" you sob. "No you haven't don't say that okay? I love you Y/N I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." Did he just say the L word you thought to yourself.

"You love me?" You looked into his bright blue eyes feeling like you were drowning in them. "I do I just didn't know how to tell you and it got me frustrated alot." He smiled and he placed his lips on yours. Suddenly you forgot about the pain and all you could feel were sparks and fireworks.

As the kiss came to an end Colby grabbed your chin to lock eyes with you "We'll make it through this week together as an official couple if you'll have me." You heart exploded. "Yes Brock I'd love that." Right as you finished your sentence you realised that Sam had cleaned and stitched your wounds up. "I'm happy for you guys it's about time" he laughed as he helped you up.

Now just 6 days left to face this dreaded house.

(HI YALL!! AHH ITS GOOD TO BE BACK AFTER YEARS! So lemme know if yall want a part 2 to this imagine! And leave some requests for future imagines I'll be updating this book more often!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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