1. Injuries // Lloyd

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Lloyd comes back from a battle, and it's obvious he shouldn't even be conscious.


•Established Relationship

•Healer Reader

•Older Reader

•Drunkish?? (Slurring of words and implied memory loss after)

•Blood (not described in detail)


Running down the hall, you followed the parade of Ninja into the living room, your medicine bag swinging from your shoulder.

Immediately, the sound of video games began to fill the room as you slid the door open. Finding the one bare spot on the floor you always used, you began to unpack your gauze, bandages, hydrogen peroxide, and other various materials you might need.

None of the Ninja seemed to notice you, continuing to play whatever video game they had up. They didn't even glance up when you called. So, you did the logical thing, and unplugged the tv.

5 out of the six of them glared at you, and Lloyd just grinned, squinting his eyes. He waved, slightly sagging his head to the side. That didn't seem healthy.

"If you don't get your asses over here and let me make sure you won't get an infection you'll- well.. you'll get an infection.. But I won't help heal it until it's hurt a bunch!" You crossed your arms, nodding to the area or the room that wasnt full of squalor.

Kai groaned, holding up a small gasp on his palm. He'd already gotten the blood onto the controller.

Walking over to him, you rubbed the gash with some gauze and petroleum jelly, and then wrapped it in bandages. Nobody else seemed injured though. No injuries they told you about though.

With a sigh, you squeezed your way onto the couch beside Lloyd. You started studying all the revealed skin of Lloyd, looking for any wounds on his face or neck or hands.

Lloyd giggled under your touch, placing his hand on your cheek. "You're- you're purdy.." His words slurred together. How bad was this?

Your face flushed with heat, skin prickling under his warm hand. The rest of the room filled with teasing noises. Fun. "I need to concentrate, this seems like it could just be a concussion, but it could be worse. Get out."

The group groaned, but did eventually file out.

Standing up, Lloyd turned to follow after them, stumbling to his feet. Falling back onto the couch as you tugged him.

You groaned, pulling him back. "Not you." Rising, you grabbed your kit, and glanced back to where he was sat on the sofa.

He limply laid over the back of the couch, his legs stretched out onto the floor. "I feel badd.."

Beginning to unwrap the Gi on his torso, you raised your brow. "Really? Why do you feel bad?"

"Because.. I think you're prettier than my girlfriend.." He whined, turning his head down to where you were undoing his ninja suit. "That's meaan."

You rolled your eyes, with a hum, you let him slip the rest of his jacket off, revealing his white undershirt. Or, it used to be white. Panicking, you took your army knife, and used it to cut through the shirt, instead of possibly pulling something out.

For once in your life ignoring his build, you stared at the wound just under his ribcage. It was sticky with blood, but was definitely not the worst injury you had seen, but you were surprised how he was even awake. Of course he seemed dazed, he was half on his way out of here from blood loss.

Pushing him down onto his back, you sat on the side of the couch, putting pressure beside the wound. You aligned padding onto the wound, and began wrapping it. You wormed your hand under his bare back, feeding the bandages to the other side.

Lloyd craned his head up beside you, groaning in pain. "Do you.. think she'll be ma- mad..?"

Shaking your head, you sighed. "Sunboy, you're so stupid.. would you believe me if I said I'm your girlfriend?"

His eyes widened, mouth falling slack. "Wait really? Oh.. then you're very pretty.. and I love you.."

You smiled, continuing to wrap the bandages. "I love you too, sunboy."

Grabbing your face, he pressed a kiss into your cheek, his grin sloppily sitting to the side. "I wanna marry you."

"I'll think about it for when you actually aren't drunk off of blood loss. Go to bed you goof." You bit your cheek, smiling as you tucked the bandage.

Lloyd grabbed your arms, swinging you into his form. He grabbed around your torso, pulling you into his bare chest. "You sleep too. Pretty people sleep."

Sighing, you pressed your forehead to his collarbone. You couldn't lie that you weren't exhausted, you had been up, worrying about when they came back from their mission.

And there was no way Lloyd was going to let you argue. So you slept beside him, in his embrace.

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