6. Ripples // Nya

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A year after your girlfriend dies, you notice the water acting strange.


•Established Relationship (F/F)

•Dead Nya (Merged with Sea)

•Angstfic, little comfort

•Depressed Reader

•Reader is trying to just make it through the day.

•Civilian Reader

•Moreso a drabble than a one shot because I'm feeling numb again and need to release it


Lifting your head from the brook you were laid in, you paused, gripping the stones beneath you.


You brought a hand up to your face, letting the beads of water drip off of your nose. Everything hurt.

Turning on your side, you put your head back against the cold ripples. One eye under the water, one eye above. One ear under the water, one ear above. One nostril under the water, one nostril above.

One person under the water, one person left alone above.

Why did she had to sacrifice herself? You were still here, she had left you all alone. It wasn't fair. Everyone else was alive, so why not her? Why did she have to go?

Why was Jay still here. Why was Kai still here. Cole? Zane? Lloyd? Wu..? That stupid, fucking old man was still here but not Nya.

How was it any fair? They were all alive, but the one person who loved you wasn't.

It wasn't fair.

Rising from the streams your clothes dripping with water you picked a handful of stone up, angrily throwing them into the stream. Maybe it wasn't even anger. You forgot how to feel months ago.

You awaited the familiar plop of the pebbles hitting the water, but it was as if the stream had been muted.

Glaring up at the stream, it was still. The water had stopped flowing, and the stones only sat on the surface as if it were a soft mattress.

Maybe you were too hopeful, maybe it reminded you of how she would play with the water, creating art out of the reflections and floating streams. The way she danced as she fought, the way she was always able to flick water on your face like how a kid would after washing their hands.

Sitting at the edge of the brook, you hesitantly pressed a finger to the surface, it dipping like a blanket, something so unlike the water.

It reminded you of when she would wrap a blanket around your shoulders on those late nights after missions.

You shuffled, moving to sit atop the water. It felt like the most comforting hug. Laying down, you began sinking in the water as if it were some sort of putty.

Holding your breath and shutting your eyes, you sunk under the surface, the water rushing around you. It tickled your skin, the ripples massaging your cheeks.


It was her voice.

Opening your eyes, a blue, glowing figure was stood behind your head, looking at you upside down. Nya.

You let your jaw go slack, mouth gaping as you tried to say her name, instead, water filled your mouth, rushing down your throat. It burned.

Lifting your head up and out of the water, the air where she was stood still. She wasn't there. 

With a pained cry, you started sobbing, felling the water wrap around and flow around your form.

She wasn't there.

She was gone.

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