7. Everything // Jay

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You get upset when Wu suggests Jay do something dangerous he's obviously uncomfortable with.


•Reader doesn't know who Wu is

•Reader has tics (anxiety induced) includes: Clearing throat, neck twitches, and flicking hand

•Jay has autism (implied)

•Wu is kind of a dick

•Angry Reader

•Reader Confesses

•And they were roomates

•Ninja split up to do solo missions (between S7 and S8 IG)

---requested from AceIsGettingTooSilly , hope I captured what you were looking for :U

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Placing the handles of the plastic bag between your teeth, you grabbed your key, unlocking the door. Even though he was in the most secluded mansion in the outskirts of Ninjago City, Jay still insisted he had to lock the door every time. Even when he was home. Maybe you were just used to having a house in the middle of nowhere. Maybe you had been kicked out just because you didn't lock the doors.

You kicked the door open, shutting it with the same foot as you grabbed the bag from your teeth. Mouth already watering at the smell of the chow mein, you glanced around, looking for Jay. It was rude for him to not be waiting to eat as you had on the drive back from the takeout place.

"Sparks?" You called out, walking into the living room, where you both usually ate dinner. Nope. The life-size statue of his absent father felt like it was judging you more than ever. "God- I'll tell him.. Just stop being so pushy." Hell, you were probably going batshit crazy over your best friend. You were talking to a statue for godsake!

Placing the food down on the coffee table, you wandered around the house, getting increasingly worried. You held your right hand in your left, attempting to stop it from twitching. Though that only led to you repeatedly clearing your throat after several minutes. "Jay?" You called out again, running up the stairs.

With a groan, and attempting to calm your breath from panting over just a few stairs, you surveyed the rooms on the second floor. Jay wasn't in any of them.

Maybe he was just out on a mission..? No, that was stupid thinking. He always told you when he had a mission. If he couldn't tell you in person, he'd leave a voicemail. If he couldn't leave a voicemail then he'd leave a text. If he couldn't leave a text, then he'd resort to emailing you several times over. So you were obviously starting to get really fucking worried. He never left anything unchecked-

But the door was locked. So he had to be fine.. right? Yeah.. but what if some old villain had taken him? Or he got kidnapped by a gang? What if there was an entirely new threat?

Your head shook side to side suddenly, causing you to stop spiraling.. a bit. Walking back down, your twitching finger hovered over his contact name. He said to never call him during a mission, in case it blew his cover unless it was an emergency.

What if this counted as an emergency? Did it? Were you certain he wasn't just outside? Or had crashed at one of his friends places? What if you called him and he was on a spy mission and caused him to be killed? What if he was just somewhere you hadn't double checked and you looked so stupid he thought you were weird? Fuck it, you were going to call him-

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