4. Act // Kai

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You said you were fine with this in your contract, but with him of all people?


•Actor Au

•Actor!Reader, Actor!Kai

•Enemies to Hinted Lovers

•Kai acts like a dick but he really just is hurt

•i made up an entire movie plot that's a Greek myth rebirth story but it's barely plot relevant


Texting your sister, you let out a snort of laughter. She always managed to make a joke out of everything, even your co-star getting fired for some allegations. So now you were stuck with whoever had a big name and wasn't scheduled with anything else. Tons of options, and it was quick, just you were fine with the guy before (well, before he was revealed to have done that shit) and you'd have to redo a bunch of scenes now.

Someone knocked on the door of your trailer, shaking the wall. "Hey Y/n! We're having a quick writers room with the main cast to see how everyone gets along, be ready soon." Your agent.

Zane was like an oversized hound dog, all bark no bite, he was like a cool older brother, or a bad dad who was just trying his best. You loved him for that. And he was much more professional than you in most situations.

Throwing on your shawl, you pulled the door open, stepping down onto the concrete. Why'd the movie have to set in winter? It was so cold, and half of your outfits were short sleeved. Fantasy-Romance movies set in unexplored areas sucked to film, and you had to do a surprising amount of those. At least Zane put a coffee in your hand, thank God.

Opening the doors of the writers room, you were greeted with the heating system once more. Waving to some of the cast and the writers, you turned to your empty chair.

Though it wasn't empty as usual, someone was sitting behind your name tag. Kai Smith. Kai Smith was sitting behind your name tag. What was he doing here? Just completely bothering you?

Walking over, you coughed. "I believe that is my chair, Smith."

He turned around, his asshole grin immediately falling. "Right.. you're the love interest.. well no, this chair is for the lead, so.. you, sit beside me."

Scoffing, you bit the inside of your cheek. "Are you sure you read over the script? Because last I checked, it listed me as the lead. Or are you just illiterate?"

"I.." He quickly flipped through the script, seeing the fact your character had many more lines than his. "I.. knew that. I was just messing with you, should've seen how stupid you looked." He quickly moved to the seat to the right.

You dusted the chair off, sitting beside it. This was going to be a disaster. You'd have to talk to the directors later about getting Kai replaced, why didn't they tell you beforehand? Didn't everyone know what happened between you both?

Flipping through the script, you sighed in relief. Though you had read over the script multiple times, you never knew when it'd change. Or if Kai had subtly pushed his ideas into it.

"Alright, so since we have the majority of the cast here, I think it'd be best to reshoot the large group scenes, the one against the . It gets shot just around the side, and it should snow soon so we should shoot it while we can." Tom, the director announced.

You took a sip of your coffee, standing up as everyone began to file out. Walking to the costume department, you shook Jay's hand, then watched him sort through outfits. Your character, Sophie, is the reincarnation of the Greek goddess Atalanta. She meets Edgar, the reincarnation of Hippomenes, who have been reincarnated, finding each other in every life. They go on a quest to slay the Boar of Calydonian, along the way, Edgar is trying to hide the fact he loves Sophie. Cliché, but he'll if you were going to hate on tropes you shouldn't have been an actor.

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