5. Together // Lloyd

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Dating a hero had it's perks, but you'd never get over the worrying part.



•Established Relationship

•reader has period cramps (I do writing this 😭)

•Lloyd doesn't know how to care for himself

•Lloyd is bad with feelings


Laid across the bed, you groaned. Cramps sucked. Eating another piece of chocolate, you turned, pressing your stomach into the hot water bottle.

With a sigh, you turned the TV on. Maybe you'd catch the end of an episode of a show you liked. The screen on the wall filled with a news reporter. Lloyd must've been watching the newsast night while you fell asleep.

Pressing to another channel, you barely registered it, but then news reporter said his name.

Not 'Green Ninja,' or 'Green' or even any of the nicknames they had given him.


They called him Lloyd Garmadon. A name only you should've associated with the Green Ninja.

Turning back to the news channel, you only stared in horror at the sight. Lloyd was unconscious in a hospital stretcher, being pushed into an ambulance. You couldn't see much over the flashing lights, but his hood was ripped off, his face showing a large, bloody gash, making it almost impossible to recognize him if it wasn't for the blond hair. You couldn't even tell if he was breathing or not.

"-I repeat, Lloyd Garmadon is the Green Ninja. Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon, is the Green Ninja. He fell off of Borg Tower, and is currently being transported to a prepared hospital."

Climbing out of bed, you winced, but changed into street clothes. Running down the hall, you practically fell down the stairs, tripping your way into the garage. You grabbed the keys, threw yourself into the driver's seat, and sped down the parkway and into the city.

The phone was ringing.

Answering it, you held it between your ear and shoulder. "Hello?" When were you crying?

"Y/n- the news- Lloyd-" Jay yelled over the phone, similarly his voice was breaking. "I'm sorry- he wanted to do this mission solo- he said- he said he could do it-"

You pressed the wheel, honking at someone who cut you off. "I know, I already saw, I'm on the way to the hospital, just traffic being stupid. I- how close are you guys?"

Rustling came over the phone, and people started panting. "We're fighting in Lloyd's place right now, Kai got pretty injured as well and Zane is helping patch him up. I- I don't think any of us can really make it right now.. I'm sorry Y/N, we shouldnt have let him do this alone I-" He got cut off, the sound of metao clanking against each other.

"It's fine, you do your job, I'll check on Lloyd." You sighed, swerving into the parking garage. Not caring to pay the toll, you quickly ran into the emergency room.

Pushing through countless cameras and news anchors, you reached the desk lady who was being harassed by the reporters.  "Excuse me- please-" You pleaded, trying to get her attention.

She only glanced over you, telling everyone to leave. "You cannot- Barbara- where the hell is security? I- please wait a moment ma'am-"

Leaning on the desk, you drew blood from biting your lip. With being overwhelmed by everything, whether Lloyd was even alive enough, and these goddamn period cramps, it was almost too much. "Please- I- I'm here to see my fiancé? Lloyd- Lloyd Garmadon, please-"

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