Chapter 7 HOLD ON

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Hellooo dear readers, I managed to wrote this chapter despite the works I need to do, I don't know when I am going to publish the next but I hope you enjoy this, love lots 💛💚~ Kittysawat12

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" Pete " Porsche called the head bodyguard, who immediately ran towards him.

" Yes Porsche? Do you need something?" Porsche smile but shook his head, then frown.

" Did see Kinn? He's not answering his phone and I am not sure where to find him." Pete nod his head and started thinking, then something pop up inside his mind.

" He's inside the  shooting range, I saw him there but I did not stay longer." Porsche nod and 'thank' Pete before dashing towards the shooting range.

When Porsche entered the range, he heard a rapid shoot and then followed by a cursed, he immediately approach the clearly pissed off Maffia Boss.

" Kinn, darling. . . " Porsche said softly as he approach, Kinn is not wearing any headphones so he can hear Porsche but did not turn back. Porsche sigh when Kinn continued shooting after changing his empty magazine to a new one.

" Stop it Anakinn, you're going to hurt your arms if you continue that." He heard Kinn growl, and harshly shoot the poor target.

" I need to be more stronger." Kinn said between gritted teeth, Porsche frown and the immediately stop Kinn when he attempt to replace another magazine.

" What are talking about? Stop that Kinn- NO! Give me that fucking gun and talk to me!" It snapped Kinn out of his own world, he glance at Porsche with red and watery eyes. It made Porsche snatch the gun from Kinn's hold and put it on the table.

" It's okay Kinn,. . . I am here, -talk to me, I will listen" Kinn shook his head and looking down, avoiding Porsche gaze.

" I failed to protect you." Kinn mumbled and Porsche held both of Kinn's cheek, bringing it up and he stared at those pair of sad and terrified eyes.

" No. . . You did not, you are very strong and I am safe, I am here because you get me out of that hell. You saved me and protected me." He then held one of Kinn's trembling hand and being it to his lips, kissing the palm of Kinn's right hand.

" You almost didn't make it." The trembling of Kinn's hands did not stop, Porsche grip it tighter and out it above his chest where his heart is located.

" Can you feel my heartbeat? It's the evidence that I am here, alive and breathing. And it will take a hundreds of bullets to take me down, what did you take me for?" The last part made Kinn snort and chuckled, it warmed Porsche heart to hear those, it's unusual to hear for the past few months.

They remained like that for a couple of minutes, Kinn held Porsche other hand while the other remained glued to Porsche chest, feeling his steady heartbeats.

" Please don't let go." Kinn whispered, Porsche smiled and kiss Kinn's forehead, leaning up a bit because of the hight difference.

" I will never let you go darling, not even if you get tired of me,even if you hurt me, even if you don't love me anymore, I will cling to you until you can't do anything but accept me." The words Kinn wanted to hear from the person he treasured the most sounds so beautiful to his ears.

" Till death do we part. My dear beloved Anakinn, I will never let you go. Not even death can separate the two of us."

I am thinking of finishing this story after 10 chapters and I will make a new one, it's already planned and I am already finalizing the words and the story line.

Anywaysss, thanks for still following this story, I am very happy to know that you are still reading and supporting my works. Thank you for voting and following, love you all mwahh💛💚

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