Chapter 8 MEMORIES

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It's been a long time since Kinn felt so loved and treasured, that he's so important to anyone aside from his siblings. He's not supposed to get attached to anyone because of the line of work he's in, it's one of the most dangerous weapon a person can have.

Kinn remembered the times when he and his Mae talked about the Mafia and how it works, he's 9 at that time, Tankhun was 15 and Kim was 1. His Mae told him that: ''when the time comes and your heart decided to choose someone to be with you for the rest of your life, you should never let that person go. Don't let anyone be the reason to separate yourself to that person.''
Kinn remembered when his Mae hugged and kissed him and his siblings 'goodnight'. He remembered how his Mae took him into the backyard of the compound to play and spend time with him.

Kinn will never forget that time when the warmth inside the compound slowly vanishing like it's never been there at the first place. When his loving and prescious brother Tankhun got kidnapped and has been brought back only to suffer from the trauma, like a broken vessel that has been abandoned after using it.

Kinn remembered when the only person who introduced him the real world and who showed him how to love and care, died. Mae got killed 2 months after Tankhun's kidnapping, a clean shot into the chest, she didn't even manage to outer a world without chocking by her own blood. Kinn's heart died the time his Mae took her last breath with that painfully gentle smile from her face.

For the following years, Kinn forgot the real meaning of love and the warmth inside the compound. He abandoned the thoughts of being attached to someone when his first lover Tawan broke his trust and destroyed his feelings. Kinn did not let anyone brake the walls he built for the past many years and isolated his self from the emotions he experienced before. Growing up with the cold hearted feelings and stoned emotions just like what his Pa wanted.

Kinn was not prepared when Porsche suddenly entered the scene and made a very big mess inside Kinn's chest. Porsche destroyed the walls inside Kinn's heart, slowly and carefully, like he wanted to cherish every seconds of it and to make sure it's crushed into pieces and will never be built again. Kinn tried to keep his distance, but like a magnet, Porsche manage to find ways just to be with Kinn and vice versa. Kinn did not noticed until the day his father mentioned the changes to him personally.

Kinn tried to ignore the changes but when the longer Porsche stayed by his side, the closer Kinn's feelings grow for that head bodyguard of his. Kinn's Pa did not really agree about their relationship, saying that it will only make Kinn weak and vulnerable. That Kinn's emotion and feelings might be the reason of the downfall of the Mafia. Kinn did not care and remained devoted for his feelings towards Porsche.

Porsche became his anchor to every challenges he's going to face. Porsche, who helped him in many more ways and never ask for a change. Porsche helped him when he felt like going crazy, Porsche never left him and remained by his side even if Kinn snapped at him many times. Porsche who never get tired of Kinn and only loves him more. Kinn never felt so happy and greatful not until the day of his Pa's burial.

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Kinn blinked his eyes a couple of time when he felt someone brushing his hear and whispering soft words.

" . . . it's alright, you're okay, I am okay, it's just a dream. . ." The gentle and lovingly soft voice brought Kinn back to a hopefully peaceful dream.

Good morning/afternoon/evening to my dearest reader/s, I am so happy to finally wrote and published the second to the last part of this story KEEP ME SANE. I am very happy and I hope that you guys will vote and follow, love lots and always take good care of yourself. 💛💚

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