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🐤 I really missed writing this story. this deserved a bonus chapter ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Porsche went out and saw his beloved Kinn sitting in the sand under a coconut tree. The sun is almost setting and Kinn is staring ahead clearly out of his thoughts. Porsche smiled and approach him, he slowly made his way behind Kinn and immediately hug him from behind. Kinn almost jump but he settle down after knowing who was hugging him.

" Why is my dear being so out of the world? You've been like this since we're still in Thailand until here in England. Are you okay?"

Kinn smiled and gestures him to sat beside him, Porsche did and Kinn did not waste time to wrapped his arms around him. Porsche also hugged him back, Kinn kissed his forehead before putting his chin on top of his head.

" Just thinking."

Porsche looked up and stared at Kinn, he frown.

" Thinking of what? You're thinking to much that you did not even notice me going behind me. It's very unlike you and you're making me worried."

Kinn kissed his frown and then his nose.

" Stop worrying, stop frowning it will make you old to soon."

Porsche rolled his eyes and then twist his body so he can see the setting sun.

" You will t love me if I get old and have wrinkles all over my face?"

He can feel that Kinn is chuckling but he never pay him attention. the sun is more interesting to watch.

" My dear, I love everything about you, I ove you not because of how you look but because of who you are. You have a wrinkles? Whatever, it's a part of you and I will love you more every single minute."

Porsche huff and just stared ahead, acting not convince just to tease Kinn who ried to look at him but failed because he will move his head from side to side.

" Come on dear, I will love you more and more for eternity. Want me to prove it?"

It made Porsche snapped his head at Kinn, staring at him with pure seriousness.

" Don't Kinn, behave and never do something stupid."

Kinn will get carried away by that 'proving his love again'. Last time that Porsche let him prove his love again, Kinn bought him at least 3 Ducati and two sport cars, he also bought gifts every day. It lasted after a week when Porsche told him enough is enough. Kinn was clearly not happy and disappointed but Porsche's glare made him stop whatever gift he's planning to give next.

" But I love spoiling you, it's not enough, the gifts were not enough-"

Porsche kissed him, effectively shutting him up.

" Because you're already enough to me. No gifts can be enough to me as long as I have you. I'll never ask for gifts as long as I have you in my life."

Kinn chuckled and nod his head, he lean forward but Porsche prevented him from kissing him.

" You still did not answer my question. What were you thinking?"

Kinn sigh and stared at him.

" About us."

Porsche frown, clearly surprised to Kinn's answer.

" Why? What about us?"

He asked, Kinn laughed then hugged him tightly, not letting go if Porsche did not protested that he can't breath.

" Having a happy ending with you, having you beside me is like a dream. Until now, I can't still believe that you're mine and I'm yours. I did not even thought that someone will be able to endure me. I am far from being perfect, I am very far from an ideal person. I have this mental problem that I will always push everyone-"

Porsche hush him for saying more about many negative thoughts.

" You're not perfect and so I am, nobody's perfect, and don't tell yourself that you have a mental problem, you never have. You're just lack of guidance, you're confused of your own feelings towards the others. I am always here to understand you and will always love you."

Kinn nod his head repeatedly, eyes watering and when the tears fell from his eyes, Porsche catches it, wiping it away.

" We will always have each other, we will never leave each other, not even death can separate the two of us together."

The promise that no one wanted to let go.

They never let go of that promise until their last breath. They brought their promise to each other even inside the coffin.

Good ending? I will write the last one with their families point of view. It will take some time to publish but I promised to write.

I realized that everyone deserved a bonus chapter.

I hope you don't mind that I made another chapter where this states that they live their life happily together and died together.

Comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote and follow. Love you all.💛🐤💚

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