chapter 9 LOYALTY

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Kinn glance outside his office window, eying the Bodyguards, who's busy doing their daily routine. It's not an easy job to be the mafia boss, he don't want to be the next leader but because of what happened to Tankhun, he don't have any other choice. His Pa taught him everything, about the mafia and business, the legal and illegal ones. Kinn learned everything, every small or big details just to become a powerful and grate leader.

" What are you looking at?" The very familiar curious voice behind him made Kim smile before looking.

" A very familiar sight." Kinn answered, Porsche laughed and walk towards Kinn, Kinn open his arms and Porsche didn't hesitate to embrace the man.

" How was work?" Kinn asked and Porsche groan, burying his face deeper into Kinn's neck and taking a deep breath.

" You should request Big to not follow me almost f*ck*ng everywhere. It's very annoying and I can hardly do what I wanted to do." Porsche grumbled, it made Kinn laugh and Porsche looked up, frowning ang clearly annoyed by Kinn's respond.

"Dear, it's me who requested Big to follow you where you go, just ignore him." Porsche pouted and shove Kinn away from him, crossing his arms and looking outside the window.

" you don't trust me" Porsche mumbled without looking at Kinn, Kinn's eyes widen and immediately grab both of Porsche shoulder, making Porsche face Kinn, he's not shock when he saw Kinn's guilty and nervous expression.

" No dear, no, it's not that I don't trust you, I just want you to be safe wherever you go, I trust you with all my heart, darling dearest. I love you from eternity and beyond." Kinn's wavering tone did not goes unnoticed by Porsche, Porsche sigh and slowly caress Kinn's cheek, Kinn leaned into it and stared lovingly to his husband.

" They are so loyal to you." Porsche whispered, Kinn shook his head and brushing his thumb across Porsche's lower lip.

" No, they are loyal to the position, not to me." Then Kinn moves his hand and held Porsche extended hand, holding and caressing it.

" I am nothing without them, they are only following orders who's position is higher than them. It's their will to protect and devoted their lives to the family. Mae once told me that I should never treat my people like an animal, I should treat them like a family because without them, I am nothing. They are working to the leader who they think is powerful enough to defend his territory. I've been betrayed so many times, I understand why they chose the other instead of me, they can choose who's a better leader and then they can follow that leader until they die."

Porsche did not talk, he just listen and staring at Kinn with understanding and encouragement.

" I failed being a great leader for so many times, making my people doubt my leadership and decided to chose someone much better. I am happy to those who stayed, their devotion encourage me to do better. My dear, who ever sits on that position, as long it's a worthy one, they will never hesitate to be loyal and devoted their entire soul to that person." Porsche shook his head and kiss Kinn's temple, then kissing Kinn's nose, making the said mafia boss groan playfully.

" My dearest darling, your people loves you very much, they did not even obey my warnings when I told them that I will shot their eggs off if they won't leave me alone for just 5 minutes. I am your husband and they only follow your orders and not mine, it's unfair, especially Big, who always ignore my warnings like nothing happen' around the world." Porsche groan, Kinn laugh and hug Porsche gently.

" Come on, let them do their jobs, I paid them to do their jobs without any failure. Don't worry, I am sure that Big was just concerned about your well-being. He's still feeling bad about what happened to you on that mission months ago. Let him do what he think is better for your protection." Kinn said while stroking Porsche hair.

" Fine, fine, but I want him to stop after a week, that's the longest I can take to have him following me everywhere like a lost puppy." Kinn nod his head and they both glance outside the window, the sun is slowly going down into the horizon and it is very visible inside Kinn's office window. Porsche held Kinn's hand who grip his hand tenderly.

Good day everyone, I am back after my break. I did not manage to update sooner because I got sick, really sick, until now but much better than the last few days. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I will update the last chapter maybe not for so long (I hope). I am still recovering so my time writing the last part will be slow and limited. Love you guyssss!!💛💚

Please always stay safe and healthy, drink plenty of water and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Don't forget to comment, vote and follow mwahh💛💚

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