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"When we're on the phone
and you talk real slow..."


July 18, 2019

Ashley and I had been conspiring for weeks on how to convince Everleigh to let Ashley in on the news about the Secret Session. As was typical with all direct messages to my fans, my team had to make sure people weren't going to go tell everyone that they were getting invited to these events for privacy and security reasons, and even though there were technically different circumstances with Everleigh, she still needed to abide by the same rules.

The only thing was, that made it especially difficult to figure out how she was going to get to the Session. Theoretically, she was able to tell her foster parents about the event, especially since they had legal guardianship of her, but the plan was that Ashley would remove Everleigh from her placement before the current foster family even needed to get involved with the event. From what I had heard, the family wasn't a good fit for her at the moment, and while nothing specifically bad had happened, Ashley still wanted to make sure that Everleigh could get out of there as soon as possible. And hopefully, she'd be out of there by the Session.

But it was proving to be challenging. Ashley had to put in extra work if she wanted to schedule an extra visit with Everleigh, and since she wasn't going to be super transparent with the current foster family about Everleigh leaving their placement until it was necessary, that was far easier said than done. Still, she and I began to talk much more frequently, and we came up with enough of a plan.

It was supposed to be simple. Ashley was going to email me with the time of her next meeting with Everleigh. I would then forward that time to my team, making sure that we'd have someone who could call Everleigh during that meeting and have her talk to them in front of Ashley. The hope was that circumstantially, we could get Ashley to talk Everleigh into sharing the news about the Session. Once Everleigh spilled the beans, it was only going to be a downhill battle from there. She could come to stay with me on the night after the Session, and I'd have gotten to know her beforehand, just a little bit, so that I would hopefully be able to prepare a few things.

At least I'm pretty sure she isn't allergic to cats, I thought as Olivia curled up on the opposite side of the sofa to where I was sitting, phone in hand, eagerly waiting a response from either someone on my team, Ashley, or both. I had just sent out the information, hoping that the plan would be put into action. Now all I could do was wait in hopes that it had worked.



"So, I think I have a probable date that you can move out of here—" Ashley started, just as my phone started to ring. It had only been a few days since I'd received the DM from Taylor Nation, and I had been waiting on pins and needles every day for the call that would change my life forever. From what I'd heard from stories on YouTube, I was supposed to be getting a call from a random number that was to be Taylor Nation, and that's where I would be getting all of the details about the Session. After the call was when the fun would begin. But until then, I was left pining in anticipation.

"Hold on," I said, cutting her off with a slight shake of my head. "Sorry. I'm just getting a really important phone call, and I need to take it."

"No problem," Ashley shrugged, her tone brighter than it had been a minute ago. Or was
I just imaging things? I asked myself, trying to figure out whether I was really being delusional or if there was actually something going on. Did Ashley know something that I didn't? Or was she just excited about the idea of putting me in yet another placement? I knew that I, for one, was not going to be excited about that.

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