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"Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you.."


August 3, 2019

"So, what are we gonna do today?" Ava asked, rolling over in her bed as she lazily scrolled through her phone. We had all slept in until ten o'clock, which was a nice change, considering I had barely ever been given the luxury of sleeping in. As Etta put it, though, we all needed to get our beauty sleep as much as possible, because no one wanted to have eye bags in their picture with Taylor Swift.

"Well, I personally think we need to get the hell out of this hotel room," I said. "I'm gonna go crazy if we stay cooped up in here for too long."

"You and be both, girl," Ava said, nodding in agreement. "But I don't know what we should do. Like, we have the whole city but no plan until tomorrow at three o'clock."

Etta pushed herself into a seated position, a smile working its way onto her face. "I have an idea."

"Let's hear it," Ava responded almost immediately.

"Okay, so I've kind of been talking with a group chat," Etta started. "Not the one for our group, a different one that I got added to as sort of an accident. Anyway, it seems like people are gonna meet up over by the Country Music Hall of Fame today around two. So what if we go get our nails done this morning, and then we go get something to eat and then go meet up with people?"

"That sounds good," I said, "but how are you so confident that we'll be able to get our nails done this morning?"

Etta grinned. "Before I knew that y'all were gonna be here, my dad booked me a nail appointment. And then when we found out that the three of us were gonna be hanging out, he called them and added two more appointments. He's covering everything, call it a gift from my family or something. But yeah, we have appointments at eleven thirty. Which should then give us enough time to go do something afterwards before we meet up with people."

"What people?" Ava asked, pushing herself up so she was sitting, too. The idea of seeing more Swiftie seemed to be enough of an excitement for her to wake up fully.

Etta smirked. "You'll just have to wait and see," she said, tucking a sandy curl behind her ear. "But for real, I don't know all of them. A bunch of people don't want others to know that they're here yet, especially if it can get traced over social media and stuff. So they're just gonna show up later today. I said I'm bringing two people, so..."

"I say we do it," I said. "I haven't gotten my nails done in forever, so I think this would just be perfect, especially for the Secret Session."

"See?" Etta exclaimed, looking at Ava. "Come on. It'll be fun. And you get to find out a bunch of other people that are here, you know?"

Ava grinned. "Alright. I'm in."

"Great!" Etta cheered. "Okay, let's get ready and then go down to the lobby and get some breakfast. I hear they have really good croissants here."

Ava reached into her suitcase and retrieved a portable speaker, placing it on her nightstand. A few minutes later, the signature synth of 'Welcome To New York' started to echo throughout our hotel room, and Ava, Etta, and I sang along as we started getting ready. I'd bought a few extra outfits when we went shopping yesterday, so I put on a light blue sundress and a pair of white platform Converse, tying my hair back into two French braids to complete the look. I did a bit of makeup, deciding that if this was the time in my life where I was going to be able to do things that I normally wouldn't do, I might as well take up every opportunity I had to do so. I'd bought some makeup for the Session yesterday when we went shopping, and I figured that it wouldn't hurt to try it out today.

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