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"It's you and me, that's my whole world..."


August 4, 2019

"Okay, okay! You're excited, I get it!" Sydney said, joking around with us. The smile on her face let me know that she really wasn't mad at us. "You need to calm down."

The giddiness was definitely getting to all of us. It was as if the energy was infectious; everyone looked like they were about a step away from losing their minds. And the fact that Sydney made a reference wasn't going to help anyone calm down, either. "And I'm just like damn! It's seven a.m.!" someone screamed, and laughter erupted from the rest of us.

Sydney laughed. "Okay, guys. So here's what's going to happen. Leave everything you have on the bus, and we'll get it back to you when you come out of the house later. Start from the front of the bus to exit, and someone will be outside to direct you to the backyard."

"We get to go into Taylor Swift's backyard?" Opal squealed. "Oh my god, this day just keeps getting better and better!"

People started to get off the bus, joining the crowd that had already been forming in the driveway. At one side of the driveway, there was a camera crew filming the other Swifties and pulling people aside for interviews. Ava leaned over to whisper in my ear. "What if we get interviewed?" she asked.

"I hope so," I said, smiling. "And I hope Taylor watches them."

Once we got off of the bus, I grabbed Ava's hand and pulled her towards Micah, Madison, Azalea, and Kinsley. The rest of our group from our bus followed behind us, and we all stood together outside the house, taking everything in.

"Where are Noelle and Etta?" Blaire asked.

Kinsley made a face. "They got pulled onto the last bus," she said, gesturing over to the far end of the driveway, where the first people were starting to get off of the last bus.

"Oh my god, we're here!" I squealed. "Like, we're at Taylor's house. It's happening. It's really happening. We're meeting Taylor in a matter of hours!"

"I love you, Taylor Alison Swift!" Micah screamed.

"Is she lurking us, do you think?" Ava asked, glancing at the windows to see if we could catch a glimpse of Taylor.

"I can't see her," I said, shaking my head.

"You guys!" Etta ran up to us with Noelle following behind her. "We're here! We're actually here!"

"Let's do this thing!" Brielle exclaimed, and the rest of us cheered along in agreement.

"I can't believe this is really happening," Ava said, linking her arm through mine again. "Like, I can't believe where we are."

"Me either," I replied. "And I still think it's crazy that we're all about to meet Taylor Swift. Like, how is she a real person who we're gonna get to be in the same room with today?"

Sydney and another woman, who introduced herself as Stephanie, stood up in front of all of us. "Okay, we're going to go into the yard area now," Stephanie told us through a megaphone.

People started to scream again, and I began to realize that the more that happened tonight, the more people would scream. At this rate, I was going to be surprised if I had enough of a voice left to talk to Taylor when I met her during the Session.

"We're going into Taylor's backyard! Oh my god, we're going into Taylor Swift's backyard!" Micah squealed.

"Careful, Micah, someone's going to think you're starstruck or something," Kinsley teased her.

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