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"I don't want to dance if I'm not dancing with you..."


August 4, 2019

"Hey, guys!" Taylor yelled, before the entire room burst out into screams again. "Are you ready to dance?"

People were screaming and cheering, and before we knew it, Taylor was playing 'ME!' through the speakers that we had previously been using to listen to the album. At first, there was a bit of awkwardness, with people unsure of what to do, but as soon as Dallas grabbed Ryker's and my hands and spun us around, my entire friend group was broken from our trance. We were living up every moment, dancing with each other and singing along to the upbeat song, feeling like we were on top of the world.

As Dallas and I danced together, I couldn't help but think about how badly I wished I knew that my life would come to this when I was younger. Little Everleigh would've definitely needed motivation to get through some of her old placements, and there was no motivation like the thought of getting to dance with your best friends in Taylor Swift's living room.

We knew that Taylor was making her way around the room and dancing with various people, but there were so many people standing up and moving around that it was hard to figure out where she was at any given moment. Right before the bridge of the song, though, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped slightly, and I almost passed out when I saw that Taylor was standing there, with a giant smile across her face.

"May I have this dance?" she asked, holding out her hands to me.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, grabbing her hands as my friends eagerly cheered us on. The entire time that Taylor and I were dancing to 'ME!', I couldn't stop staring at her. It was one thing to be watching her at a concert when I was six years old. It was another thing to be sitting in the front row of the Secret Session taking place in her living room. But when she held my hands as we danced to her song, the first song that she owned, in her living room? Now that just made the list of the best moments of my life.

As 'You Need To Calm Down' started to play through the speakers, Taylor let go of my hands, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "I'll see you soon!" she called, disappearing into the crowd to go dance with some other fans. Meanwhile, I turned back to look at my friends and nearly lost my mind in that moment.

"What just happened?" I asked, looking around the circle that we had formed with a confused look on my face.

"Uh, you just danced with Taylor freaking Swift, that's what happened!" Ava squealed. "Oh my god, Ever, that was insane!"

"Ugh, I swear to God, she probably loves you now!" Brielle gushed. "Like, come on. You're such a fun dancer and you literally couldn't stop looking at her. She probably thinks you're adorable."

"You're literally gonna have to tell us everything that happens when you meet her," Ryker said. "I swear, Ev, I'm not gonna go to sleep until I get the full rundown."

I laughed. "Okay. That's great. Let's talk after the Session, but right now, I want to dance with y'all!"

"Woo!" Etta cheered, grabbing Kinsley's hands and spinning her around in a circle. Opal did the same thing to me as we belted out the lyrics to 'You Need To Calm Down' without another care in the world.

"Am I as good of a dancer as Taylor?" Opal joked with me.

I laughed. "I'll have to get back to you on that one."

"You just don't want to admit it," Opal teased. "Come on, I can handle being told that I'm a worse dancer than everyone's favorite person on the whole entire planet."

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