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A/N: I'm splitting up the Session into about four chapters, maybe more, due to having such a high word count. So hopefully I'll be able to get in a couple updates during the week! Also note about this chapter—much of Taylor's dialogue is taken from the audio clips of these Sessions, you can find them on YouTube. However, I'm changing up a bit of what happens at the Sessions in order to better have it fit my plot.

"I feel like I might sink and drown and die..."


August 4, 2019

"Hey, guys!" Taylor said, her eyes shining as she looked over the entire crowd of Swifties.

The minute she said those words, announcing her arrival, the entire room went ballistic. Everyone was screaming and crying as Taylor walked through the crowd to get to her chair. As she got closer to us, I grabbed onto Ava's and Ryker's hands, squeezing them tightly. The thought of Taylor sitting right in front of us for the whole Session was more than enough to make a girl go insane.

And it held true, too, as she walked through the crowd and sat down right in front of us. Ava, Ryker, and I continued to scream our heads off, clinging onto each other for dear life as we lost our minds in front of Taylor. She looked down at us, giving us a warm smile, and we lost it again.

By this point, I had fully forgotten how to breathe. I mean, how was I supposed to be able to remember to breathe when there was nothing but air between Taylor and me? Like, she was two feet away from me, and she was going to stay there. I stared up at her, trying to form coherent thoughts, but I failed. She was just so... real. She was gorgeous, of course, and especially seeing her up close and in the flesh, it was like pictures couldn't do her justice. And she smiled and laughed while the remainder of the room lost their minds, no one able to properly function. But who could blame us? We were literally in the same room as Taylor Swift.

Ava nudged me with her elbow, our hands still squeezing onto each other for dear life. "Ever, you have to breathe!" she told me, trying to yell over the screaming so that I could hear her.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who heard her, either, because Taylor looked at us, first to Ava and then to me, and laughed at Ava's comment. She then turned to look at me, tilting her head in Ava's direction and nodding slightly, as if she was trying to say that she agreed with what my best friend was telling me.

And that's when I lost it. I broke down crying, thinking about how Taylor Swift—yes, the Taylor Swift—had just acknowledged me for the first time. I leaned over to Ryker to whisper, "Is my makeup ruined?"

Ryker shook her head. "Nope. Couldn't even tell that you were crying unless I looked at your eyes closely enough. Did you use Etta's stuff?"

I nodded. "Yeah. She claimed I'd still have it looking perfect by the time I meet Taylor, so..."

"Yeah, that'll do it," Ryker replied. "That shit works magic, I swear. It's not gonna budge."

The crowd began to quiet down, and everyone looked towards Taylor eagerly, waiting for her next move.

She smiled again, looking around the room as she spoke. "Welcome to the Lover Secret Sessions!" she exclaimed.

And, there we go again. The entire room lost their minds for the second time in, like, five minutes. Everyone was screaming and tears began to stream down my cheeks again. When I looked over at Ryker, she was also crying, and she, Ava, and I put our arms around each other as we lost it. Honestly, it was one of the best moments of my life. I'd dreamed about sitting there, in Taylor Swift's living room with my best friends, about to listen to her album for the first time for years, and now it was finally happening. I didn't know how much I would actually need it until it happened, though, but now that it happened, it felt like heaven. 

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