chapter 6 | panic

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yena's pov

i stepped into the dorm apartment once jisung unlocked the door, keeping my eyes mostly to the floor due to my fear of heights. i held my hands close to my body as i slowly looked up at my surroundings, avoiding any windows. looking around, i eyed off the absolutely gorgeous kitchen. it had a distinct luxurious feel to it, with thick, white marbled countertops and stunning overhead cabinets. the ceilings were quite tall as well, making the main room feel super spacious.

my jaw dropped slightly as i carefully looked around at the rest of the beautiful dorm apartment. "wow! i wasn't expecting such a nice place, ji," i say.

as soon as i caught a slight glance of the tall windows that lined the living room wall, my legs began to feel weak. i looked straight back at jisung, who was now standing right next to me, trying my best to hide the crippling fear that was overtaking my brain.

"here, i'll show you to where you'll be staying." han said, gesturing for me to follow him. i hastily grabbed my suitcase and brought it along with me, eager to distract myself, as he continued to explain everything. "the only spare bed is in minho's room, if that's alright. it should be fine cause there's a ton of space, so don't worry, you'll have lots of privacy. there's a bathroom, closet, and pretty much everything else you'll need too."

jisung knocked softly on the door before swinging it open.

"what the fuck is she doing here. and why is she in my room?" a distinctively irritated voice said from across the room. i looked up to the loft on the far side of the room, where surely enough, laid a grumpy minho staring right back at us.

"be nice. she's staying with us in our dorm, okay? just until our managers have sorted a better living arrangement for her."

"fuck no, she's not staying in my room," minho retorted.

"either she sleeps in here and you stop complaining, or you're sleeping on the couch until she leaves. pick one." jisung said sternly. even though he was the younger out of the two, he always had to talk to minho like this when he was acting up. he was his best friend, after all.

"fine, whatever." he said, and rolled over onto the other side of the bed to face the wall whilst he continued to scroll on his phone, obviously put out by the current situation he was put in.

jisung helped me bring my suitcase over to where i'll be staying in the room. and just my luck, it was another loft opposite to the one minho occupied on the other half of the room.

"i'll help bring up your stuff to the top of the loft!" jisung suggested happily.

my heart stopped for a moment thinking about climbing all the way up there. what if i fall down? what if the floor breaks underneath me and sends me plummeting to the earth's core? what if my entire skull cracks open from the impact? shit, i can't do this. this is so immature of me, why do i have to be like this??

"um, no that's okay, i'll do it myself. don't worry about me!" i say quickly, desperately trying to avoid this at all costs.

he nodded and smiled. "that's okay, just let me know if you need anything. do you guys want food? i'll head out and buy lunch while you unpack, yena."

"jjapaguri." minho said flatly, still scrolling through his phone.

i nod in agreement, hoping jisung will head out as soon as possible. also, jjapaguri didn't sound too bad right now. "that sounds fine."

a few minutes later, jisung had his keys in his hands, leaving to head out and buy some jjapaguri for lunch for the three of us, leaving me to contemplate how i'm going to deal with this stupid situation i've gotten myself into.

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