chapter 10 | i forgive you

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[tw: this chapter contains themes of verbal abuse. this will be marked with <!> incase you would like to skip over this.]

yena's pov:

"sleep with me."

"...what?" i mutter in disbelief at the words escaping his mouth.

"i have a queen sized bed so don't go thinking anything... weird. jisung and chan would have it in for me if they found out i let you sleep on the floor. so, fuck it i guess."


"holy shit, yen. just do it, i'm not going to ask a second time," he says in a frustrated manner. i nod slowly. he proceeds to grasp my wrist firmly and drags me over to his side of the bedroom over to his ladder. "alright, can you get up there on your own?"

"i- um, i don't..." i mumbled quietly, worried about getting scolded again.

"what was that? use your words yen," he says, seemingly more frustrated now, almost angry.

tears started falling from my eyes without warning, being taken back to a specific moment in my life; the week after my father died.

*** <!>

"yena, you're fucking hopeless. you can't do ANYTHING right, for god's sakes. you killed your father, and now you expect to-"

"i didn't kill him, mom!" i yell, my face weak and sore from sobbing so hard all week. "I DIDN'T KILL HIM."


"it was an accident, mom. he slipped, i couldn't do anything!" i let out, my voice raspy and muffled. i was so tired, all i wanted was to grieve over my father. but like mom said, maybe it is all my fault. maybe i don't deserve to grieve.

"if you didn't go, he would still be with us, you fucking mistake. i can't believe this. get your god damn ass OVER HERE THIS INSTANT."

*** <!>

reality faded back in, remembering where i was. i turn right back around to see minho staring back at me, yet again, with his eyes filled with confusion and concern.

"hey, hey, yen. are you okay?" he asks frantically, his hands reaching out to rest on my shoulders in attempt to provide some sort of comfort.

i shake my head, looking down as i start to let out my sobs.

he nods in understanding, slowly rubbing my shoulders with his thumbs. "cmon, let's get you into bed, okay?" he turns me around, helping me to take my first step on the ladder. the distress of my memories sort of was distracting me from the fact that i was moving up.

minho softly grabbed my waist, helping to lift me up and give me some support as i climbed up further. "don't worry, i'm right behind you. i'm not gonna let you fall."

i nod stiffly, still in partial hysterics, my hands gripping tightly on the railing, until my feet were finally on the solid surface of minho's loft.

he had a nice, big bed which was neatly made with navy blue covers and white pillows. it was decorated very minimally, but it felt very cozy overall.

he climbed up right behind me, taking me over to the right side of his bed and laid me down, draping the covers over top of me carefully. and gosh, did it feel much better lying on an actual mattress for once.

he got up briefly to shut the curtains, but i grabbed his wrist softly as he went to stand up, stopping him from moving anywhere. "please don't leave." i murmur quietly, the tiredness beginning to take over my body and mind.

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