chapter 13 | misunderstandings

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author's pov:

everyone stared blankly, yet confusedly at the front door of the dorm, watching it slam shut behind minho as he bitterly stormed out of the room.

"what's his deal?" jeongin asked, completely oblivious to what had happened because he was only now beginning to wake up, rubbing his eyes as he yawned loudly.

jisung shook his head, looking up at the blank ceiling while he collected his thoughts. he let his head fall, directing his eyes towards yena, with a knowing, yet tired expression on his face, only for her to see.

guilt ran down yena's spine like ice as she recalled the earlier events; the language she used... how harshly she spoke to him. "fuck, i need to go talk to him. he... he must be pissed with me for talking to him like that earlier i guess... i probably ruined even the smallest of chances of having a friendship with him."

she pouted a little, tears threatening to fall from her eyes, staring at her now fiddling hands in her lap. she harshly blinked them away, not daring to allow herself to feel upset when she was the one who acted out this time.

"just stay here for a bit, yeah? let's let him cool off. you guys can always talk later, okay? it'll be fine, i promise." chan said as he walked over to the couch where jeongin and yena still sat, with a comforting smile. she nodded with a small smile, her mind still unbudgingly fixated on minho.


yena's pov:

3 days had passed by. the instrumentals for our new comeback were being finalised, and the recording day was slowly creeping up on us. we had held a few team meetings, some workout and training sessions, dance lessons and quite a lot of other activities in preparation.

and minho and i hadn't spoken at all. not a single word.

i tried so many times to speak to him... so many. he always somehow found a way to block me out, ignore me, or start a new conversation with someone else, leaving me in the dust. when we were in our bedroom, he'd put on his headphones and pretend i didn't even exist.

and while i was just a little frustrated with him for not even trying to hear me out in the slightest, part of me was slowly growing upset that we hadn't spoken. but i swore i tried everything, and there was nothing i could do anymore.

so, i made myself comfortable -- well, as much as i could be -- in my little corner on the floor under my loft, scrolling idly through my instagram feed. occasionally, i would look up at minho who was comfortably sitting on the edge of his mattress, bundled up in a ball of blankets, also scrolling through his phone, the bright LED lighting up his facial features.

and the next time i peeked over the top of my phone to glance at him, i found myself completely distracted staring at him.

in some way, i missed our little arguments, our bickering and our playful squabbles. i missed his touch, the soft side of him he hardly ever showed. i missed all of it... i missed-

"what are you staring at."


oh fuck. i quickly turned my head away from him, attempting to place my attention back on whatever video i had left playing on my phone; the brightness of my screen blinding me in the process.

i stared at the bright screen intensely, focused on seeming oblivious, as if i was never even looking in the first place. i couldn't even bring myself to respond beyond a little, fake, confused "hmm?" -- but in reality, the only person who would ever hear something so quiet was myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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