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After I and Diego finished chatting, I decided to scroll through my WhatsApp. My class GC was piling up with messages, ever body talking about how they're anticipating school day tomorrow.. but really they all just want to show off, new cars, bikes, nails, new school clothings, designer shoes.. smh.

Thinking of school, I just remembered what i saw happen today.. between Diego and Maddison. I didn't really know what i saw, but what i do know is that Maddison waved at Diego, but he didn't even acknowledge her.. he just continued on his way like nothing happened. That wasn't weird at all, Diego wasn't really a social butterfly, but why did Maddison even wave at him in the first place. I was a hundred sure they've never met before. Her family were rich, very rich most students at Hudson Bay..
Her dad was a politician and her mom owned one of the biggest Hair Salon in Abuja, so yeah, I couldn't see what could align her and Diego's path.. unless they had already met in school the previous day or something.. that seemed like the only viable reason.

Dropping my phone on the table behind me, I layed on my bed thinking about a lot of things, Diego, i didn't know how he would fare at Hudsons Bay.. this was very different from his ideal environment, he didn't have much friends or any.. and that bothered me. I know he had a message up childhood and I know he has messed up brothers, I've met them once, and they didn't look like good people.. Nonso, a little light skinned and the most abusive of all smoked like he came from an extended lineage of Bob Marley. He had real anger issues, he'd flare up at the slightest annoyance. And Nicholas, though calmer had his own vices. He had this kind of superiority complex.. he didn't like been questioned or doubted so he was very aggressive when people tried to make him seem small or below. I got all these information from the one Time I slept over at Diego's for a night and also from what Diego's tells me. He didn't really tell me much, but i could tell he loved his brothers, but he still feared them. But as we all know, love and fear cannot exist together.. one has to conquer the other. My thoughts kept on flying by, and before i knew it, I had dozed off.


"Do you know him"  Damilola the tallest one among us asked me

"Huh.." i answered her confused with what she was talking about
"The guy you just waved at, you know him from somewhere?"  Oh.. she saw that.. yikes

"Oh, not really.. he just asked me for directions yesterday.. I guess he doesn't remember me"  I denied.. I knew why he didn't answer me, he felt insulted with the way i was looking at him yesterday.. to be honest, I didn't mean to be rude or anything, i was just surprised when i heard his voice. He had a really deep baritone, and i was just thinking how he sounded like my crush, Vin Diesel in Fast and Furious, which was why I was smiling like that.. i honestly wasn't mocking him or anything., but i guess he didn't understand. Before i could apologize and explain to him, he had already grumbled a thank you and was on his way. I'll make sure I talk to him tomorrow or any day we cross paths again..

"He looks like a theif"  Damilola blurted out all of a sudden.

"Yeah.. not really like a thief, more an exconvict"  ..that was Gwen talking.

Gwen Sewa Bayo, the very light skinned, 5"7, all brains and alot of beauty girl concurred with Dami. Gwen wasn't the type to be unnecessarily rude to people, but yeah she was a very big snob and was very rude.. I guess being pretty, popular, extremely smart with a very loaded family would make you walk around like everyone else was below you. But she wasn't like that with us. She had alot of friends, but we were her true friends.

I just stared at them in disbelief.. I guess coming from a extremely well to do family will make you feel like certain people were below you.. far below you.

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