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It's been five years since Amadi died, my family is pretty much over it, but I still blame my self for it all because deep down, I know it's my fault.. my hatred for my self hasn't reduced since Amadi died, and I'll have to live with it, till my time to depart this world comes. Life has been moving on since then, it doesn't wait for anybody.

Nicholas, 24 years old is currently doing his I.T here in Abuja, he's studying engineering, so he spends most time at building sites, while Nonso, 22 years old is a 300lv geology student. They're supposed to both be in higher levels, but as usual, Asuu decided to give Nigeria's students pick two..

Right now, I'm in ss1. As soon as the holidays are over, I'll resume the new session as an ss2 student, not really a big achievement, but at least it's growth.
Because of my grandfather and brothers, my childhood is as messed up as they come. I'm always dreading the time when Universities are on holidays and Nicholas and Nonso comes home. Surprisingly, these past few months Nicholas has been kinder to me, but Nonso was still a dick to me.. still abusive as ever. But in between it all, I had a friend.. Derek Damola Nwokocha was a good kid, from a well to do family, attended an elite school and was an easy going guy. He knew about what i was facing at home, knew about the scars and injuries on my body, at least the ones he could see.. perks of being dark skinned I guess, my scars barely showed.. he knew how my abusive my brothers were, especially Nonso, and he did his best to help me any way he could. He attended a really expensive school around maitama area. So we only get to meet up during weekends. We met while we were both trying out for the same position in a local football club.. we met at the screening centre at Central area in Abuja, and after the whole training and screening process for the day, I discovered i didn't have enough money for transport back home, so i decided to trek some of the journey home.. luckily Derek saw me while getting into his sister's car, because she was the one who drove him there.. he called out to me..

"Afa bro !" .. I turned back, startled.. then i saw his sister drive the car over to my side..

"watsup bro, nice game today, where are you heading.. we could drop you off".. though i appreciated the offer, i declined -because of how my childhood went, I had little to no social skills, I didn't interact much with the kids in my area, because my brothers made me locked me indoors anytime they were home, even after they leave for school, I still didn't go out, expect when necessary.. they had made me despise human beings in general because i didn't know why they were so wicked to me, but they never for once layed a hand on our little sister, princess... i just didn't know. -so yeah, i declined Derek's offer and was about to continue my journey, but his sister called at me again.. she looked older than him.. maybe by four years

"Hey kid.." I looked up at her

"I know you probably don't want to inconvenience us or anything, or maybe you don't trust us because of how the country is and the moment, with the whole kidnapping and stuffs going on, but trust me.. we're good, Derek just wants to help and were actually going in your direction, so we aren't bothered much" Although what she said was a complete opposite of why i didn't want to ride with them, I accepted the offer, I was standing too much and my legs were aching. So I got into the car with them. Nobody talked, it was just a comfortable silence till i got to my bus stop where i could get a cab home

"Thanks for the ride, I really appreciate"

Derek's sister nodded at me " you're welcome". Derek wrote down his number for me, and i collected it.. even though i didn't have a good at that time.. since then we ended up being close, hanged out from time to time, shared stories about our selves, lives and school.. it was actually nice having some one to talk to.

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