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WY: Is it okay if we go for something a bit calmer, more chill?

S: Yeah totally, especially in the chorus, like instead of getting all excited make it calm and all.

WY: Yeah exactly! So that it's quite different from the original style.

S: We also need to divide the lyrics.

WY: Yeah, go ahead. I'll play and you sing the beginning to see how it goes with your voice.

S: Sounds good.

WY: Ready? 3, 4... - he said before strumming his guitar and I joined in, starting to sing at his signal.

I was a bit nervous at first, afraid I wouldn't sing as well as him but I gained confidence after he started complimenting me several times.

We spent over an hour singing, thinking about the instrumental and taking notes. Wooyoung's mother entered the room and pulled us out of our bubble.

WY's Mother: What you're singing's beautiful, what is it? - she asked, intrigued by our little performance.

WY: We're preparing a cover to record in the studio with Dad!

WY's Mother: That's great! I didn't know you sang too, San - she said smiling at me.

S: Yeah, I love it! We've been wanting to sing together with Wooyoung for a long time.

WY's Mother: You two really fit well together - she said, probably already sensing how well Wooyoung and I got along. Anyway, I came to tell you it's time to eat!

WY: Okay thanks, we're coming! - he replied and his mother left the room.

WY: We'll continue later - he told me turning his head towards me.

S: Yeah! - I put the sheet on which I was taking notes and Wooyoung left his guitar on his bed.

S: We've already made good progress, can't wait to move on to recording!

WY: I'm so excited too!

We got up from the bed and left his room, Wooyoung followed me closely. He placed his hands on my shoulders as if to guide me through the house even though I knew where to go.

We quickly set the table and sat down to eat.

WY's Mother: So, do you have other passions besides singing, San?

S: Yeah, I love to dance!

She chuckled softly.

WY's Mother: You two are really the same.

WY: Yeah, we were made to meet each other - he said smiling at me.

S: We're the same but Wooyoung's crazier than me though - I said to tease him.

WY: Who climbs trees when we walk down the street?

Woo's mother listened to us, laughing. We continued talking during the rest of the meal and then we left the table.

S: Oh damn, I didn't see!! - I said noticing family photos hanging above the couch. A picture of Wooyoung as a child had particularly caught my attention.

 A picture of Wooyoung as a child had particularly caught my attention

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S: You were so damn cute!

WY: I obviously loved life too much, I look like a young hippie.

S: Wait, I have to take a picture! - I said pulling out my phone. If one day I don't feel well, I'll look at it and I'll feel better - I joked.

WY: You're too much - he laughed. I'm sure you were even cuter, given how today you still have a lil baby face.

S: Do I have a lil baby face?

WY: Yeah, all cute.

Even though I was more than happy with the compliment, I pouted.

S: I don't wanna be cute, I wanna be sexy - I mumbled.

WY: You can't have it all honey, except if your name's Jung Wooyoung - he said in a haughty voice.

He said it to joke but he's not wrong, he can be as cute as sexy. He was blessed by life, this idiot.

S: Lil jerk - I replied laughing and tapping his shoulder which also made him laugh.

WY: Do you wanna continue with the cover or not?

S: I'm a bit lazy right now, I'm seriously digesting.

WY: Same, 'wanna chill in front of a movie.

S: Oh yeah, I'm mega up for a movie.

We settled on the sofa and chose a Disney movie like the big kids we are.

We watched the movie not at all quietly but in good spirits.

The rest of the day passed quite quickly, we laughed a lot. And in the evening, before going to bed, we got back to working on our cover.

S: Is playing the guitar hard?

WY: A bit, yeah, it hurts the fingers.

S: Teach me something.

I wanna do like in the movies, where he takes my hand to place my fingers correctly on the strings.

You must think I'm a psychopath. Nah, in truth, I've always wanted to try playing the guitar but I never had the chance to.

WY: Well let's go, I'll teach you the chords of Fake Love.

S: Yeah, perfect - I said all excited.

I was sitting cross-legged on his bed, he handed me his guitar and stood in front of me.

WY: Okay, so for the first chord, you have to pluck these strings - he indicated, touching them one by one with his finger.

S: Like this?

He started laughing.

WY: What's this? Why does your hand look like an alien? You don't need to twist your wrist like that, put your pinkie instead of your ring finger.

I adjusted the positioning of my fingers and asked for his approval again.

WY: Okay good, now with your right hand you can strum once.

I did so and a beautiful sound came out of the instrument.

WY: Perfect!

I looked up to Wooyoung, all pleased.

WY: Next, it's this.

He leaned slightly forward and placed his fingers next to mine to form the second chord.

I studied his hand. It's very pretty. Both soft and masculine. I wanna take it in mine. To caress his fingers.

But I won't do anything. I just played the second chord, trying my best to impress Wooyoung.

Conclusion of Chapter 12: San has a lil baby face.


My god, as I'm writing this ATEEZ comeback's in 5 days... i don't wanna die anymooore 😭

They have some duo songs, i'm soooo excited to hear Woosansang's song 🙏🏼

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