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Chapter 8


-Are u in Lixie?

Han asked smiling to me to get my opinion.

-We are going to hide from alphas and it's so much irritating them, they want us to be in front of their eyes and if at least one doesn't have, they get crazy and search for us everywhere.

IN said with a light in the eyes.

-Previous time we did bad, he found us fast we have to find the better place.

Han nodded getting em some other clothes. It was a questionable as it was one arm top which showed he outline of my abs and oversize pants. I looked more to attract alphas than be comfy.

-U look hot!

They added and I rolled my eyes.

-Let's hide in the garden in the back place where we have some snack hidden from them.

Han said and IN nodded. They took me by the hand guiding me down the stairs passing by the Minho who was shouting at the women in the kitchen who spoiled some soup on the floor.

We giggled running outside the to the place that was deep in the bushes, it was the last row of trees where they placed some sitting area to hide form them and it took us good 5 minutes to get there.

We sat there taking some board games to play as we had so much fun.

I didn't know where from Han got the bottle of some rom that we mixed with some juice drinking it up little by little.

I heard the angry growl coming from the outside. It was Minho as we were playing the games.

-Have u seen those 3?

He asked the gardener who came later as we hid before 10 o'clock.

It was over noon and Minho wanted to feed us but there was no sign of us.

-If they find any of us run in the other directions. It was so much fun previous time as Seungmin was all in mud.

Han giggled and IN hit him on the back.

-Yes, and I had to give him blowjobs for the rest of the week, it was VERY fun.

IN was irritated but agreed to the idea.

It was coming to the evening as other appeared in the garage going as Minho went out with some rack of clothes.

-Those 2 idiots hid the Felix again.

He looked pissed off.

-They hid again?

Seungmin was over being angry, his amber eyes were visible from the point as we peeked from the angle to see them.

Chan looked irritated.

-So Felix joined them well?

Binnie smiled and he was okay about this.

-Have u looked in the house?

Minnie said as he gasped.

-Every fucking piece of the house, they are out somewhere and I have a bad feeling as u rom u got from that alpha disappeared with them.

Han giggled as we moved forward to to spill the actual hiding place as Han and IN kept it secret for a year now.

-So u are telling they are drunk and hiding outside, well done Minho.

Chan was in rage going out to look for us as other joined, the split and the game started. Han let to the left and IN went forward to get into bushes as I moved to the opposite side getting inside the bushes.

I saw Binnie passing by me as they were angry for sure to come from work and looking for us being drunk. What a life?

I saw Han running and Minho after him as they disappeared in the other corner of the garden. Binnie was after IN as Seungmin went further as I moved closer to the house wanting to trick them all but I felt the hard growl.

-I can feel u.

I heard as I stopped breathing, I hid more down in the bushes staying still as I felt some figure moving, it was Chan he was close to me.

I giggled softly, trying to be calm as I felt he passed my place and jumped out of it running to the direction of the house only to trip over some wooden branch and fall in the bushes as I whined.

-U know u are very clumsy?

I heard the voice over me as I looked up to meet his eyes he came over to the side of my legs giving me the hand to stand up as I took them pushing him and he didn't expect it at all falling over on me as he stopped just before my face. Our faces met as he looked into my eyes. He was shocked as I giggled softly and his amber eyes appeared looking at me and I showed him submission for the first time as he sank inside my blue eyes guiding the way to me.

He was worried even more that I submitted to him as his eyes never left mine. His breath was calm as he looked down on my lips.

-Are u injured?

He asked and I was frozen looking inside of his eyes as we managed to get though this.

-Let me go!

I heard the shout from the side as Seungmin was carrying the little baby in his hands.

Chan stood up taking me up as slowly hissed at the pain, I even haven't noticed that I cut my hand while I fell in the bushes. My hair was a mess and Chan observed my clothes.

-Han put this on u?

I nodded as he held my hand.

He lifted me up taking me to the house. Binnie was walking after us closing the garden and fixing the camera system to work at night.

-Where is Han?

I asked as we entered the house.

-He is having sex with Minho in the garden.

IN giggled in the hands of nervous Minnie who too him up at once as he sent me a kiss. I winked to him as we entered the living room as Chan place me on the sofa.

-Get the medicine, Binnie.

Chan said as he kneeled in front of me.

-No need, I can heal myself.

I said as I stood up.

-Wanna see?

I said as both alphas nodded in excitement to learn more about my skill as I lead them to the bathroom, I came up to the sink turning the cold water on a I placed my hand in the water, closing my eyes. They sat beside on the toilet and washing machine looking at me.

I calmed down the breathing creating the best heart beat for the heal.

I opened the eyes and the bluish colour was on me as I guided the water to the wounds and it slowly started to heal it up covering the pieces of broken skin.

The both looked as kids at the magic show as it was all new for them. The whole new experience for the men.

I smiled at my eyes went back to the normal colour and I showed the place it was as nothing happened. Chan took the napkin giving it to me as I saw the blood dripping in the lip as I wiped it all.

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