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Chapter 35


 I didn't want to call anyone as they looked busy and it was enough to worry about me. I called Woo.

-Hi, baby sunshine, how are u?

He asked me as I felt the smile.


I said and he at once asked me about and I spilled him the whole thing in one breath.

-Shit, why alphas so stupid sometimes.

He said it like a sentence as I heard the growl of San in the back.

-Wanna me come?

-No, I am alright but we can go somewhere tomorrow, I guess San won't be against?

-No he wouldn't wanna shopping time? And some cheesecakes?

I craved for them.

I smiled as he knew what to say.

-Sure, write me the time baby, love u.

-I will, Woo. See u.

I closed the call as I heard the knock on the door.

-Lixie, can. Open the door.

-No, go away, Chan.

I said as he signed loud trying to process the mistake he did.

-Please, u make me sad like this, I want to hug u cub.

He begged but I just coldly remained myself.

He went downstairs taking the alcohol.

-What did u do, Chan?

Han said angrily as he saw the Chan's alcohol on the table and his screwed look.

Minho placed the bags as he joined the other one as Chan spilled the tea.

-U insane saying such things? When did u become so stupid man?

Han said hissing at the older.

-I think u are paranoid, man.

Minho said as he sat beside the older as Han just rolled his eyes going to find me.

-Lixie, please open the door for me.

I was silent as I just placed the headphones turning the music on the fullest.

I wanted to escape the reality and calm myself down.

Han sighed leaving foe downstairs.

-U should correct yourself Chan, it's stupid even to propose, thinking he would be okay u fucking other omegas, idiot!

Han complained as other entered the room hearing the last phrase Han said.

-What did u do again, Chan?

Bin said in concerned look.

Chan drank the whole cup signing.

-He doesn't even open to me the door!

Han placed to hands on the sides like and angry mom.

-I will talk to him.

Binnie said as he went upstairs as Chan growled in jealousness.

He hated how Bin was able to make me sweet and nice, how tender he was with me and the whole thing. It was irritating, as he wanted to be the same for me just it turned out I didn't know how to be so. At all.

-Cub, please talk to me.

I heard the soft voice of the alpha.

-I want to be alone, Binnie.

I said as he just exhaled.

-Please, I need u to hug me, baby. I missed u.

I knew the effect of his on me as I slowly went up the doors as he stood there patiently waiting for me to open it and I did eventually.

He saw the sad face as he entered and I closed the door again.

I crawled back to the chair as he sat on the bed in front of me.

-Chan made u sad? Lixie?

I nodded playing with my hands.

-U are sad right? U know he didn't mean it? He is just sometime stupid and doesn't think about it clearly, he is paranoid I this thing.

I signed, not looking at him.

-Look at me, pretty.

He asked and I lifted my eyes to meet his. He was so dealing and comforting that I sometimes wondered how I could possibly love Chan and not him, do I love both? Is it possible?

He opened his hands.

-Come here I want to smell u, bae.

He smiled warmly as I just slowly stood up, swimming to him.

He took me in smelling me as I just hid my face inside his shoulder as he released the pheromones as I smelled in, they relaxed my senses and I smiled slowly. It was pleasing, the purring appeared as I looked at him, he took my face smiling to me.

It felt complete and innocent as he looked at me. He loved me from the whole heart. I pecked him on the cheek as he giggled slightly smiling wide for me.

And I initially just took his hand as he followed as I placed it on the belly as he had big hands and it covered the whole stomach and I purred softly wanting him to read the message.

He was confused for the moment and they has eyes went up to the eyes as he got the message and his eyes grew bigger.

-Is it what I think it is, cub?

He asked smiling.

-Yes, it is.

P.S. The new book is out, u can check it out if u wish to read about Minlix\Hyunlix, "Rapist". I will post more chapters now until Christmas, then i will have an art therapy for sure) I didn't have time to draw like 2 month and it's driving me crazy.  

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