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Chapter 21


-I think I lost the pup u so much fucking wanted, bastard!

I said as tears were just running down the cheeks.

Chan stood up I horror realising the situation, he was shocked to the core.

IN was shouting, Minho lifted me up running to the car which Bin already started as IN just took Seungmin who took Chan who was still in shock as we drew to the hospital, Minh pulled near the doors as he took me in shouting for help. I was placed on the bed as they took me away from the rest.

-U fucking joking, he was pregnant?

Minho was furious. Chan was just speechless sitting on the floor, he just realised what he did.

Han was crying as he didn't test Felix after they had sex.

Bin was silently sitting and nervously tapping on the floor.

-Maybe it's not the baby?

IN said hugging to Minnie.

The doctor went out joining the group of shocked people.

-Who is the husband?


Chan stood up with red eyes full of sadness.

-Unfortunately, the baby died, due to a lot of stress, I am sorry but u have to treat u omega in calm atmosphere or he won't be able to give u any pup. I will write u the pills to buy for the organism to recover and after some time u can try again.

-Thank you.

Chan said losing himself I tears, he just got the pup and lost it in seconds.


He started slamming the wall making it a messy bloody trail of his impairment as Minho too this off with Binnie as he ended in despair in their arms crying loud.

It was a dead end for him, he destroyed himself alone and now damaged the only boy who could give him the baby.

It was the deep end.

Felix was sleeping under sedatives at home as he was very weak and Chan was all the time by his bed, thinking through and through.

Minho was coming from time to time to check on him.

I slowly opened my eyes seeing the Chan who was in horrible state. He looked sleepless and sad. I looked at the pills on the table beside ands it was a recovery once, so I lost the babu for real.

The hard truth was hitting me, I was trying to control but a single tear ran down the cheek as I tried to cope with feelings inside.

-Felix, how do u feel?

He asked coming closer to me but I hissed I disgust.

-Go away.

I said as he backed off a little.

-Let me explain this all, I promise u wil understand.

-I don't want to hear anything from u, leave.

He looked wrecked.

-I hate u!

I said as he received the hardest punch in face and he slowly left the room going into the other one. Minho came to feed me and I tried to eat something lying down for days not speaking much as IN and Han were sleeping near me trying not to push on me. Bin came to make me smile a little and he did it well, I felt better with him.

I started reading again and I saw Chan avoiding me at any cost.

That was for better, bastard.

I was in the garden drooling something as cats were beside em and Minho feeding me from time to time as even Minnie came to spend some time with me. He started to respect me a lot lately. We got used to talk a lot, he would teach me how to make a coffee and other things as we ended going to the movies in 3 with IN and Seungmin.

Minho would caress me a lot and cuddle me as his damaged cat I was. Bin would teach me to drive a car as I was getting better at it.

He planned even for omegas a party night we asked and Bin was the only alpha going as other had to stay at home.

We took a good 4 hours to prepare as I had the turtle neck in black which fitted me perfectly and the shorts in black with long socks and boots, the first time boy got me the eyeliner for a little change and it looked great as the little bun was on top of my head.

I looked great and it was our time to relax as other waited down.

We went down and Bin understood he had a lot of work that night.

I saw Chan watching me as I ignored his existence at all and others saw it. I took Binnie's hand and we left.

The club was as a large black cube, so pretty. The luxury place for fun as I saw the VIP zone for us was there we landed ordering drinks as Bin giggled as I got on his lap.

-I love u smell.

I said and he gave me more as IN and Han were taking pictures. They took a picture of us too flirting mostly and sent in the group we had. Chan saw me on the Bin's lap but ignore it all.

I took some shots as IN took me on the dance pole near the seat as Bin had a free show of 3 omegas. The music was nice as we danced together, I felt the need to take one more shot as I saw IN and Han having fun.

I took one looking at Bin who was smoking the shish-a and I join him.

-Wanna try?

He asked and I wiggled happily but he inhaled the smoke leaning into a kiss as I opened the lips to take the whole smoke inside he was releasing and I felt butterflies coming in the stomach.

I exhaled asking for more and he gave me more but this time he kissed me deeper and the other time it turned into a make out session his tongue was hot but not too dominant he didn't need that for sure, I felt his touches were sweet and easy as he placed me on his and now I was sitting o him. Omegas came giggling as they took the shish-a smoking it but never bothered us.

Bin went to sucking the skin on the neck, he left the mark and I think Chan's one was on fire now.

The wide shoulders of his were so big as I touched him there, he grabbed my waist pressing me to him as the tongue was dancing, I was out of the air but it didn't matter at all.


He moaned into my ear as I tensed up as he made such a huge impact on me. He made me feel easy and loved.


I leave dot his ear as he took me closer.

-Can suck u off?

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