Malfunctions (Kamijirou)

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Denki began to set off his quirk while his training session with bakugou started. The rest of his friends watched nearby as they began to throw punches at each other. Bakugou was more trained in most departments. The only area Denki had the most advantage in was his temper and self control.

Bakugou threw explosions his way left and right. This caused him to be slightly burnt and battered from the explosions propelling him into objects. Denki had gotten a couple of blows in on Bakugou as well, but Bakugou was in much better shape then he was. "Come on dunceface! Use your shitty quirk and stop looking down on me!"

Denki had as of recently been attempting to use his quirk less until he gained better control of it. He'd been using it slightly within the training session with bakugou, but not as much as he typically would. Jirou, one of his friends in the stand, had started to help him learn to control it better. Everyone knew of this, but no one knew why. No one knew that when his brain fried it hurt him.

Whenever his quirk caused his brain to fry, Denki would be in extreme pain for hours after he went back to normal. It also was causing excruciating headaches and the malfunctions were quickly becoming more and more painful.

"You've got this Denki!" Kirishima shouted. No, he didn't. He wanted to believe he did with Jirou's training, but he knew it wouldn't end well. He decided to send more volts of electricity than usual to keep Bakugou calm so he wouldn't be mad at him for "looking down on him." Alright kaminari, he thought. You can do this. He began to charge up his quirk, beginning to let electricity fly from his fingers.

Everything went wrong.

Jirou stared in horror as volt after volt of electricity flung out of his body. Even with their training, it had been too much. "Denki! Stop!" He couldn't. He tried, but his body didn't let him. A blood curdling cry erupted from his lips. His other friends chuckled, thinking that his brain would just be fried.

Once all the energy had left him, Jirou thought that his brain would be fried. Knowing that this hurt him, her eyes became sad. That was when she realized his body hadn't picked himself off the ground yet. That's when she realized his body was slightly convulsing

Jirou sprinted across the grass field. Bakugou stared at Denki's unmoving body. The others stopped sitting and began heading over themselves. "Denki, wake up!" Jirou shouted. The only movement that his body made was twitches. Bakugou walked and knelt next to Jirou, watching his friends body twitch uncontrolably.

Bakugou pressed his hand against his wrist to check his pulse. HE felt the heart beat of him and sighed in something that sounded like mixture of relief and annoyance. "Dunceface is fine. stop crowding us," he said in his typical annoyed voice. Jirou brought his head bellow her chin and began pushing out breaths of relief. "Thank goodness you're okay." Her tears fell onto the top of his head as Bakugou sprinted to go get recovery girl.

*Time skip to 2:00 AM the next day*

Denki's body slowly rose as he woke up. Shit, he thought. He thought that he would be able to handle a shock at that voltage. He mustve had the velocity of the shock fling out of his body too quickly. He realized that his friends must've been so worried. He began to sit up, but thats when he felt a slight weight against his chest. He looked down to see Jirou's head against her chest. His face flushed slightly. How long had she been waiting for him. His face changed to one filled with guilt. He had made them all worry about him just because his body couldn't handle his own quirk. He felt tears begin to leek from his eyes out of humiliation.

Jirou felt water on top of her head. It was strange because it wasn't raining and they were indoors. She opened her eyes to see Denki, one of her closest friends, sobbing silently. "Denki? Are you okay?" He looked down at her with eyes that showed so much pain from the years that he had bottled it up to only show his fun side. Jirou gently cupped his face and pressed it into her chest. "It's okay, Denks. It isn't your fault." she told him. He didn't believe this. No matter how much he wanted to he couldn't. He had made them worry. Everyone was worried about him and it was all his fault.

Jirou began to stroke his head, trying to comfort him as much as she could. He continued to cry into her chest until there was no more tears he could possibly cry. At this point he just continued to sniffle into her chest as she slowly soothed him to sleep. She continued to stroke his head while listening to the noises he made in his sleep.

"I wish you could've heard us after Recovery Girl took you into the office," she whispered. "I wish you knew how much of the class was worried and how the class is wanting to help you. No one thinks it is your fault. We all know your trying to improve your control over your quirk.

She sighed, looking at the time. "I hope your dreams aren't bad for the little amount of sleep you are able to get. Goodnight Denks" She then gave him a gentle forhead kiss before falling asleep with Denki completely wrapped in her arms.

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