Chapter 2: Outings with Uncle Harvey

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Small A/N: When Two-Face speaks, his normal "good" half will be regular font, while his "evil" burnt half will be emboldened.  Sorry if this confuses anyone.

Mark walked outside his apartment building, put up his hood for his hoodie, and skated away from his building. He liked to skate in his free time, and it was convenient for whenever he couldn't catch a train or a cheap cab to go places.  Plus, skating was sort of... cathartic for him, and it allowed him to organize his ideas in a way he could understand them better.  His thoughts drifted to his classes, his mom, and his future.  Mostly, however, they remained stuck on whatever his uncle was about to tell him tonight.  Mark had a feeling that, no matter what, it was going to be something important.

Maybe even life changing. 

(Well, ain't that some heavy foreshadowing?)

Back with Mark, he soon arrived at his destination.  The outside looked like another nondescript building in the bad part of town.  However, below it was a bar that was frequented by many thugs and criminals, including Mark's uncle and his men.  The bar was also notable for having a no-tolerance policy towards killing and violence on the premises, meaning it was sort of a small neutral area for those who needed one. 

As Mark entered the slightly hidden door into the bar, he was immediately noticed by one of Two-Face's goons. 

"Hey kid.  You're uncle is in the back room, said youse better talk to him.  Said it's important.  Youse won't be disturbed," said Thug #1. 

Mark nodded and headed back.  He passed the bartender as he walked further in, who gave him a nod and a small smirk.  The bartender gestured to a door that led to one of two back rooms that more important criminals could rent out and not be bothered so that business could be discussed.  The door was being guarded by another of Two-Face's guys, who opened the door for Mark to head inside. 

"You called Uncle?  Not that I don't appreciate it, but you had me a little nervous with what you said.  Is... everything alright?" Mark asked, slightly nervous about the whole evening so far.

Two-Face did not respond for a moment, and remained faced away from Mark stuck in his thoughts.  After a minute or two went by, he spoke.

"Nice to see you tonight kid.  How's classes going?  The fight for Justice must never be abandoned nephew!" Two-Face barked out, his two halves seemingly answering in different ways. 

It unnerved Mark a little bit how his uncle seemed to have two different personalities, but over time and through various interactions he got used to it.... Sort of. 

"They're alright.  Same as always I suppose.  I know you didn't just call me here for a social visit, thought.  What's going on?" asked Mark.

Two-Face responded by asking a question of his own.

"Have you been keeping up with your training? Even the... messy parts of it?" he asked Mark.

You see, Two-Face was a smart man.  He knew that, while he could keep Mark and Debbie safe for a while, eventually it would not be enough.  Batman could put him away with minimal effort, and then all of the protection for the Graysons would go out the window.  Knowing this, he decided to "enroll" Mark in things beyond his studying and schooling.  Using his gang contacts, Two-Face had Mark trained from a young age in all manner of combat disciplines and styles, ranging from kickboxing, to boxing, to Muay Thai, to jui-jitsu, and even in knife wielding CQC.  As a favor to Debbie, Two-Face kept Mark away from firearms and drugs, but taught him everything else about both being a D.A. and being a crime lord.  

Mark grimaced slightly but replied, "Yeah, I've kept at it like always, but its been harder coming up on graduation to keep training."

"The reason I ask is because I need you to do a job for me kid.  And it has to be you, or else all of my plans will crumble!"  Two-Face said loudly as he whirled around to face Mark.

Mark sat up in his chair like he was shot by a bolt of lightning.  "You want... me?  To work for you on a job? But what about school? And... ohhh man, what about my mom? She'll kill me if--"

"Its not about what you or I want in this case Mark.  Its about what's fair," Two-Face said as he grinned maniacally.

"That little deal on the docks you saw was something put together by me and Cobblepot.  Unfortunately the little bird didn't hire the right goons, and that muscle freak lost us thousands to the meddling Bat," snarled Two-Face's twisted half.

"Another opportunity fell into our lap a few weeks ago about some... sensitive intel on a hard drive being moved.  Intel that's worth millions to the right people," Two-Face said.

"So, what? You need me and some others to steal it for you?  Gotta say Uncle Harvey, not sure I like this plan so much..." Mark muttered ruefully.  

"Oh nephew, you mistake me.  Its already been stolen," Two-Face smirked.  "All I need from you is to pick it up from an associate of mine and Cobblepot's.  She's a professional, but she can be... incredibly and annoyingly deceitful if she so wishes."

"It seems like you covered everything here, Uncle Harvey," Mark said.  "But... what about Batman?  Won't he notice if something like this goes down with you and Mr. Cobblepot present?"

At that question, Two-Face frowned and looked unhappy.

"In order for the pickup to be smooth, Cobblepot and I are running interference across town.  Gives me a chance to clip the wings off the Bat.  However... I will be personally handling our end to ensure he shows," Two-Face said.

Mark looked uneasy at the tone of Two-Face's voice.  "Meaning...what, exactly?" Mark asked.

Two-Face sighed. "Meaning there's a large chance that I get sent back to Arkham if the Bat does his job.  If that happens, my territory will be absorbed into Cobblepot's, and in return he will show you the intel if he wants to keep his grimy hands attached to his fat little body."

Mark looked conflicted at this, but sighed and agreed with a nod of his head.  Despite being a villain, the man formerly known as Harvey Dent had done a lot for Mark and his mother, and Mark had no wish to see him rot in an insane asylum forever.

'Wonder what could be so damn important about that intel that two notorious villains are risking prison and beatings from Batman to get it, and to make sure I see it?' Mark thought.

Two-Face nodded as well and said, "Good.  Meet at the drop point, pay the lady, and get the drive.  When you have it, get it to the Iceberg Lounge.  Do not stop for anybody, ANYBODY... no matter the circumstances.  Understood?"

"I understand," Mark said as he rose to leave the bar.  Two-Face came over and, in a rare show of affection, shook Mark's hand and gave him a pat on the back.  

"You're a good kid, Mark.  Be safe around this woman... she has some sharp claws for a little cat.  Remember what you've learned, and in case this is it..." Two-Face paused for a moment.

"Take care of yourself, and your mother.  Neither of you deserve what has happened to you, especially after everything with the League... and him.  The small fortune I have amassed is in your mother's name now.  Cobblepot knows, and is holding all the access keys for safe keeping.  He owes me, and he knows what happens if he tries anything with Debbie," Two-Face growled at the end.

Mark silently agreed, but his thoughts were a storm.  'Why does the Penguin owe him anything?  The League... does he mean THE League? What would they want with me and mom?' Mark thought.

As Mark went to walk out the door he turned slightly and said, "Uncle Harvey... thank you.  For everything."  With that, he walked out into the bar and away into the night to complete his job.

In a rare moment of unity for both his halves, Two-Face actually smiled and muttered, "No kid... thank you."  

(A/N: Well, there we have it, Chapter 2 is complete!  Up next, Mark does a job, Two-Face distracts a bat, and... what does the cat have in store for our protagonist?  Until next time!)

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