Chapter 10: The Girl of Steel

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(Disclaimer: I own nothing from Image or DC Comics, nor do I own any of the artwork I have posted or will post.)

Mark was trapped in a bad situation that just got worse.  Below him, the remaining Suicide Squad members were gunning for him after he took out half their team.  Above him, Red Tornado and Supergirl were closing fast, which meant that even more of the League was likely to follow.  And to top it all off, most of his clothes had been wrecked in the attacks and Mark was standing in what remained of his pants... and nothing else. 

'Well... this is awkward,' Mark thought ruefully. 

Meanwhile, Flagg knew they were in pretty deep shit themselves.  The squad had come underprepared it seemed, and they'd paid for it in bodies.  He knew Waller needed them to get out of dodge before the rest of the League showed, and he hoped the kid they just fought was enough to distract the two who'd just showed.  Just to be safe, however, he said, "Waller.  I need you to scramble any US military assets in the area and either get us out of here or make like you're aiding Supergirl.  We need to leave." 

~"Flagg, take your collective asses and get clear.  I'm sending a chopper in, but you need distance,"~  Waller said through comms.  Flagg acknowledged, and the remaining Suicide Squad members took off back towards the city.  His and Waller's assumptions had proved correct, as the two Leaguers were preoccupied with Mark and the dead squad members to really notice that they'd escaped.

Meanwhile, Mark was still contemplating his options as Supergirl and Red Tornado flew closer to him. He was still levitating, and he assumed that the League knew he had powers by know considering Batman's incredible paranoia. What he didn't know is how few of the Leaguers were informed of his situation, and how even fewer even regarded him as a threat. This included the aforementioned Girl of Steel, who did not think Mark could hurt her or her cousin.

She was about to be sorely mistaken.

Mark decided that it would be best if he spoke first. "Lemme guess, Supergirl and... red guy? Sorry I'm not sure who you are, but in case you didn't notice the bad guys are getting away," Mark said. "Literally right over there," he said as he threw a thumb over his shoulder at the retreating Suicide Squad members. Supergirl looked over at them, but before she could act Red Tornado spoke.

"Mark Grayson. I am known as Red Tornado. This is Kara Zor-El, also known as Supergirl. The Justice League has need of your presence for questioning. You are to accompany us to the nearest League headquarters immediately," Red Tornado said as he flew closer to Mark. Mark sighed and just looked defeated.

"So... that's how they want this to be, huh?" Mark muttered to himself. With her advanced hearing Supergirl heard him, and would have questioned him had he not spoken again. Aloud, Mark said, "How do I know you won't lock me up or try to go after my mother if I don't comply?"

Supergirl spoke up at that. "We won't. We don't do things like that. We're the good guys, remember?," She said as she tried to send him a reassuring smile. Mark scoffed at that. He wasn't stupid, and he remembered the last group of "good" guys he tangled with in Gotham, and how that whole situation ended up. After dealing with the villains as well, his nerves were fried and he had no desire to continue with the two Leaguers in front of him. However, it didn't seem like he'd have much of a choice. Red Tornado then put his hand on Mark's shoulder and another on his wrist, and said, "Do not make this harder than it has to be. Comply, or you will be forcibly detained."

Big mistake.

Mark grabbed Tornado's hand and pulled him close. When he was close enough, Mark smashed his knee into Tornado's chest, threw a hard left hand into Tornado's face, and flung the robot into the desert floor.  He made to go after him, or even just take off but he made a critical mistake.

He turned his back on his other opponent.

"HEY!" Supergirl yelled.  Mark turned around just in time to get cracked by a right hand that left him reeling.  It did occur to him that he was dealing with one of the strongest species in the known universe, and it also occured to him that she might even be pulling her punches for Barbara's sake.  

That alone might've been enough to send him into a rage, but her next words only confirmed it.  "Mark, right?  Please, I don't want to do this.  Barbara misses you, Tim misses you.  They've been a wreck since that night.  Come with us, come back home.  Don't do this to yourself, to your mother--" was all she got out before she go hit clean with a huge uppercut that sent her flying.

"Don't you DARE mention my mother to me, or those liars!  I'm tired of running and I'm tired of being hunted by you and the rest of that hypocritical League you're all apart of.  Those villains you and the red robotic moron just let walk out tried to kill me not two minutes ago but you want me to talk?  Fuck no, I'm done!" Mark yelled and got into stance.  He was beyond pissed off now, and Kryptonian or not he was not going back to Gotham without a fight.  

Supergirl, meanwhile, couldn't help but feel saddened and a little excited.  Mark clearly didn't want to go back, and he was powered and possibly a threat which meant she had to take him in.  However, that punch of his had actually hurt.  Like... hurt enough to draw blood.  That didn't happen to Kara often, unless Kal was being serious with her in training or Batman was playing dirty with kryptonite.  Which meant she could let loose a little here without fear of hurting him, because he could clearly hurt her.

And right now, he looked like he really wanted to hurt her.  

They both rushed each other in mid-air and began swinging for the fences.  Supergirl had the upper hand quickly due to her experienced use and exploration of her powers as well as her training by both her cousin Superman and the Amazons of Themyscira.  However, Mark's skill due to his advanced martial arts training allowed him to keep pace, and his anger allowed him to shake off some of the more egregious hits that made it through his defenses.  However, Supergirl's own rage was growing as Mark continued to fight her and actually hurt her.  She had moved past her feeling of excitement from earlier in the fight and was now pissed that Mark refused to listen to her and forced the situation to come to major blows.  As a consequence, she started throwing her blows as hard as she could.  Mark couldn't keep up, and was sent reeling by several powerful punches to his midsection and arms.  Supergirl rushed him and the two tangled in mid air, both locking arms and clinching for position.  Mark knew he was losing, and he knew if this continued she'd either beat him unconscious and take him to the League, or more Leaguers would arrive to back her up and take him back in chains.

'Like hell that's happening,' Mark thought.  There had to be a way out that wouldn't result in him getting destroyed.  Suddenly, he had an idea.  An incredibly stupid and rash idea, but if it worked might be enough to buy him a little time to either calm down and talk with the hero he was throwing hands with, or at the very least get the heck outta dodge. 

'Well... here goes nothing,' Mark thought, preparing for the worst.

And then he kissed her.  

(A/N: I'm baaaaack!  New chapter up folks, little bit of a cliffhanger here.  Remember, I'm still taking suggestions for who to pair Mark with in this story, so feel free to comment and let me know if we like multiple female heroes or just one partner.  Nothing concrete on that yet but as we can see, I'm setting up a few different avenues here.  Other stories will be updated soon, so just hang on a little longer.  Thank you guys for all the reads, I really appreciate it!  Will Mark get out of this situation?  Will Kara kiss him or kill him?  FIND OUT, NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BALL Z! lol) 

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