Chapter 3: A Cat, a Bird, and... Mark

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(Disclaimer: I own nothing from Image or DC Comics, nor do I own any of the artwork I have posted or will post.)

When he left the bar, Mark immediately made his way to the back of the building. He quickly climbed up the fire escape and made his way to the roof. His uncle had told him that the contact would be meeting up with Mark further up town, but that he needed to make his way via rooftop so that she knew he was coming. Mark was interested in who this contact was, and his uncle's words did not exactly put him at ease. However, Mark figured that he could handle anything this woman threw at him. He was more concerned for his uncle.

Mark was not an idiot. He understood that it would take a seriously good performance to draw Batman out and convince him that Two-Face was not just a diversion. Mark had a feeling his uncle knew this, which made all the talk about moving the money to his mom's name make more sense. He also knew that if the data on the drive was important enough for both his uncle and the Penguin to risk everything they'd worked for, he should probably do them the favor and read it. Mark owed his uncle that much, and he would not let his faith be misplaced.

Regarding the Batman, Mark knew he was not good enough to handle a straight up fight against him. He also saw the news two days prior that stated that Nightwing (a known associate of Batman) was wrapping up a corrupt cop case up in Bludhaven, so he (hopefully) wouldn't bother Mark. As long as Robin showed up to stop Two-Face with the Bat, then Mark would have little to no issues doing the job assigned to him.

Little did he know how wrong that statement would lead to be.

Mark made his way across the final rooftop before looking out at the building next door, which was where he was supposed to be meeting his contact. Before he moved in, he grabbed a blue bandana and secured it tightly around the lower half of his face. 'Better safe and anonymous then sorry and arrested,' he thought. He also stowed his bag and skateboard behind a ventilation unit before making his way over to the other building.

He walked near the center and sat down cross legged to wait for his contact. He didn't have to wait long, as he heard footsteps behind him and then what sounded like a... purr?

"Well, well, well. Who knew Two-Face had someone on his payroll as interesting as this, hmm~" the voice said as Mark turned around.

What he saw unnerved him in ways it probably shouldn't have. A woman in a tight catsuit with a small satchel over her shoulder stood before him, with a whip attached to her hip. On closer observation, Mark noticed that her fingers had small metallic coverings on the ends. He assumed they were blades of some kind, considering the whole theme she had going for her.

'The hell is with everyone in this city? Every other hero or villain has an animal theme, damn...' Mark thought. He then spoke aloud.

"You must be the contact. Don't tell me, don't tell me... Catwoman, right?" Mark asked with his usual sarcasm.

"Meowwww~ got it in one, dear. You're a lot different than the usual goons and lowlifes who usually frequent this side of town.  Cuter, too~" Catwoman said with a wink through her goggles. (A/N: her outfit here is the regular black with sharp claws and whip suit)

'18 for barely two hours and I'm being hit on already... <sigh> no luck at school but cover my face and commit a crime, all of a sudden I'm swimming in popularity.  Yaaaay," Mark thought ruefully.

"Guess I'm the new blood on the block.  You have what Dent paid you for?" Mark asked, wanting to get this over with and go home. 

"I must say, its awfully uncharacteristic of a man like Two-Face to swallow both his prides just to get... this," Catwoman said as she held up the drive. She moved closer to Mark, swaying seductively before stopping a few inches from him.

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