Chapter 7: Conflict Arises

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(Disclaimer: I own nothing from Image or DC Comics, nor do I own any of the artwork I have posted or will post.)

Mark was currently in the midst of a standoff with Batman.  His powers, having gone active from all of the high levels of stress and adrenaline in his body, were going off the charts.  He didn't even realize that he was levitating in his own living room because of how pissed off he felt.  Most of all however... he felt betrayed.

'Tim, Barbara, Mr. Wayne... shit even my mom!?  They all knew and said nothing!' Mark raged inside his head.

"Mark, honey, you need to calm down.  He isn't going to hurt you or me, and we can talk about this.  I know its a lot to take in but I can answer your questions if you just--" Debbie started before she was cut off mid sentence.

"How long?" Mark quietly asked.  His mom looked at him questioningly before he asked again.

"How long were you going to wait to tell me?  How long have you known?  How long has EVERYONE KNOWN!?"  Mark asked, getting louder with each question.  He couldn't get it out of his head that even his own mother was hiding something this monumental from him.  Mark assumed that he had gotten in this mess because of his father, and had he been calmer probably would have understood why his mother was fearful and kept it a secret.  That was just the issue, though.

Mark was waaaaay past being calm.  About pretty much anything.

Debbie went to answer, but Batman spoke instead, coming to stand next to her.  "The League came to the decision to keep you in the dark until you either came of age or your powers emerged.  Your mother felt that this was a reasonable request, and all evidence pointed to your powers being dormant possibly forever.  You were doing well on your own without them, and there was a concern that if they emerged you would be persuaded to join Two-Face, or even worse your father," he said.

"My uncle, for all his issues and anger, for all his crime, has done nothing but the right thing when it comes to me and my mom.  You're the one who keeps locking him up instead of helping!  And don't you dare mention my father to me, I don't even know his name thanks to you and your damn League," Mark growled out.  "Now step away from my mother and get the hell out of my house so we can get this cleared up."

Debbie went to step between the both of them and said hurriedly, "Mark, Bruce wait stop this--" but she was cut off by Batman stepping closer to Mark and moving her to the side.  When he put his hands on Debbie's shoulder and gently shoved her aside, Mark lost it.

"That's it!"  He yelled and slammed into Batman.  Caught by surprise, the two rolled around exchanging blows until Mark flew Batman through the window and into a free fall down towards the street below.  They separated before they hit the pavement, and Batman used his cape to land in a roll.  Mark simply floated down to hover above the ground when it suddenly occurred to him: 'Holy crap, I CAN FLY!  Guess there's no time like the present to test this out... sorry Batman, but this is for Uncle Harvey,' Mark thought as he squared off with Batman.

Batman simply scowled, tapped on a button on his utility belt, and then squared off with Mark in preparation.  'Hopefully he doesn't realize the extent of his powers and I can subdue him, or at the very least hold him from destroying anything until backup gets here,' Bruce thought grimly.  He had activated an emergency beacon that signaled to Tim, who was to call in any reinforcements on hand nearby.  Unfortunately, he wasn't sure who would respond, and more importantly who could stand against Mark without sheer numbers (or a Lantern ring) on short notice.  

Mark charged Batman, and the two began exchanging blows.  Mark kept his stance loose, and mainly rolled with his kickboxing training mixed in with his newfound flight.  Batman, a seasoned martial artist and expert on all fight forms, had an upper hand but was surprised at how skilled Mark was.  Clearly Tim hadn't realized that Mark was heavily trained when he befriended him.  The two went blow for blow trading hooks, leg kicks, and straight right hands back and forth until they separated for a moment.  In that moment, Mark saw that Robin landed near Batman with Nightwing, who was the closest available backup on hand.  Tim looked concerned as he gazed at Mark, unaware that Mark realized who was under the mask.

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