Chapter 18 - You

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The Scout regiments recall to the capital and Eren's incarceration were ascended. Instead the survey corp was charged with guarding Annie deep underground, where they kept strictly vigil day and night.

The damage to Stohess was extensive, with decimated buildings and countless civilian lives lost.

The Scouts of the 104th are stationed in the southern district of wall Sina, aside from Eren and Jean who are still at the main headquarters in recovery, and Mikasa and Armin who volunteered to stay behind and look after them both.

My friends are inside the camp while I keep watch with Nanaba, Miche, and someone named Thomas at the top of one of the towers. My father had made me go since he thought it would be safer, but I convinced him to let me take my gear while everyone else was made to leave theirs behind.

The fields are clear of titans as far as I can see. I lean on the cement edge of the tower, listening intently to my surroundings. Wind blows swifty, whistling quietly in my ears. Strangely enough there doesn't seem to be a lot of wildlife.

I hear a sniffing sound and turn around to see Miche smelling the air. "What is it Miche?" Nanaba asks. He sniffs the air once more and suddenly turns around to face the opposite side of the tower.

"Thomas, ride out of here, take three couriers." Miche orders, his gaze staying set. "Notify the districts, we've got multiple titans incoming from the south, wall rose has been compromised!"

What the hell, how is that even possible?

I hurry to stand beside Miche, following his gaze. He's right, there are titans walking towards our camp, a massive dust cloud following them. Nanaba nods and quickly deploys her gear to the window in the room where the rest of the squad sits in wait.

I see her warning them and ushering them out. When she turns back and joins us, Miche doesn't waste any time with the information. "Nine of 'em in that swarm up ahead," he tells her.

Nanaba kneels at the sight. "They must have broken through wall rose. Damn it, we never even got a chance to figure out what the hell these things are. Humanity has lost."

"Like hell it has," Miche replies as he turns. "A person only loses when they give in, remember that. As long as we keep giving up a fight, we haven't been beaten," he says firmly.

I nod in agreement as I watch my friends down below saddle up their horses hurriedly. I move to join them, mounting my horse before moving up in formation to ride alongside the other officers.

The gate to the camp opens and we ride through the pass, moving quickly into the fields.

"The second the titans reach the woods we split up, I want four seperate teams! Recruits and soldiers alike in each unit, when I give the signal we'll scatter in different directions simultaneously! Inform civilians, do not engage the enemy!" Miche tells us.

"Which one of you is most familiar with the area?"

Sasha raises her hand, "me! Sir, my hometown is just to the north of here, I know this region like the back of my hand. Connie too," she turns to look at her friend. "Go on, tell him!"

Connie's eyes are wide, his expression blank. "Connie, what's wrong?" I call.
His expression stays the same as he answers. "My village is to the south. That's where the titans are coming from. I can lead you to nearby settlements, but afterwards let me go home, please."

Miche turns his head to look back Connie, pondering the request for a second. "Very well. Guide the southern team and go to your village."

"Yes sir," Connie nods curtly.

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