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Not about angels by Birdy....

We know full well there's just a time,
So is it wrong to dance this line?
If your heart was full of love,
Could you give it up?

'Coz what about,what about angels?
They will come,they will go,
Make us special...
Don't give me up,
Don't give me up....

How unfair,it's just our luck,
Find something real that's out of touch
But,if you'd searched the whole wide world,
Would you dare to let it go?


1 year ago

Sometimes,everything we felt,thought,loved,dreamed of,just doesn't matter anymore.We lose hope,just because we're maybe too sensitive,naive,shy,maybe because we care too much.I know that.And I need something,someone to push me,to save me,but I don't think that person even exist...

I saw my dad,mom,aunt laughing loudly,I didn't realize why.My eyes suddenly was wet,a sharp pain crossed my body.Is there anyone that can help me?My dad hugged me tight,saying me everything will be fine,and more than it,that I just need to wait."Why are you saying that,dad?"-I asked,and hugged him even tighter...

Bright light made me open my eyes.I slowly opened it,trying to realize what is happening,where am I?Then,all of bad memories came to my mind;Hanna,bullies,me trying to escape,someone grabbing me and kicking me,the picture of blood on the ground,someone throwing me at sea...

Where am I?As I looked around myself,I realized it was a hospital.Oh,my God!Did my parents bring me here?They must be worried,and scared for me.Someone's growling interrupted me in my thinking.Wait a second,growling?Can dogs be here?Or I just heard wrong?

"Little one,you woke up!I'm so happy that you're alive,I don't know what would I do without you!"-Some really handsome guy stood up next my bed,watching me,I don't know,I have never experienced someone looking me at that strange way.

He has beautiful brown eyes where I could lost myself,I swear,I could stare at them all day long.His lips seems so pretty,so kissable,and his gorgeous smile,oh,his smile,someone would kill for it. Black shorts and white v-neck t-shirt looked so good on him,his body was perfect.His muscles are...Wait!Why am I talking like this?Why am I so amazed by him,and what is he doing here?Maybe he changed something,I don't know,but there is some misunderstanding.

There's no way some guy like him would even look at me.Maybe he is blind,or something,yeah,that's the reason.Why would he call me "little one" and say that kind of sweet things?!He is probably blind.

"Who are you,where are my parents?"-I asked carefully,trying to not look at his beautiful eyes.I didn't say that loudly,that more seemed to be whispering.

" I am Dylan.Don't worry,little one.I am going to explain you everything,but,now you need to take some rest."-he said with the most beautiful smile I ever seen.
"I-I feel ok now,c-can you call m-my parents,p-please?-I said looking at the floor,I was ashamed on some way, I can say that I blushed.This is rare situation,no one ever tell me something without saying bad things about me,laughing at me.I didn't know how I need to react,what to say,I felt like I was brainwashed.Then,he touched my hand.My reaction was taking it away,I was scared,because of last night,because I didn't know him.

"Little one,you don't need to be afraid of me,I am not going to hurt you,never.And I'm not going to allow nobody do that.That asholles who did this to you won't be alive once when I find them.You mean a lot to me,nobody won't hurt you anymore.Jasmine,I promise you,I will protect you with my life!"-That Dylan,I think,said something I couldn't imagine in my craziest dreams.

He is going to protect me?

I mean lot to him?!

He will protect me with his life???

Who would do it anyway,I am worthless...

Did he escape from mental hospital?!

Is he insane?I really think he is blind.

And how does he know my name?

"I-I don't know what are you talking about,and please,call my parents,they must be worried."-I said trying to realize what is happening.

"Ok,but you should know that you will come with me,there's no way I will let you leave."-he said with so much sincerity in his words.

I really didn't know what is he talking about,now I am sure that he escaped from a mental hospital.

"Jasmine!Oh,my dear,what happened?Are you ok?"-my mother hugged me and started crying.
"Mom,I'm fine,that bullies from my school attacked me,kicking me and telling me...well,the most important thing is that I'm fine now."-My voice was cracking with every word that I have spoken out.I knew that my parents will feel guilty because they didn't know nothing about that bullies.My mother hugged me tightly,trying to stop that tears.
A loud growl interrupted us.

"I think that's enough close."-that extremely hot crazy guy came closer to me,like he was possessive or something.My mother quickly parted away.She looked scared,as that guy was her boss,what is happening?

"Mom,dad,can you explain me that please?Who is he and why do you listen him?"-I spoke as much loud as I can,although my voice didn't seemed so high.

"Jas,sweetie,he...well he is our Alpha."-my dad said something I couldn't understand."Alpha?How do you you mean Alpha?"-I was trying to realize dad's answer when Dylan spoke up:"I'm Alpha,the leader of one of strongest pack in world,the pack of werewolves.I know all this seems surprising for you,but,you're werewolf too,and your parents will explain you everything,once they do that,you will come with me,darling."

"Hahaha,this is a joke,isn't it?!Are you insane?How you mean I'm werewolf?!Is this some crazy nightmare,or!Please,say something!"-I used this kind of voice for a first time in my life at my dad.I honestly hope this is some very stupid joke,and that I will go to my home,forget all this.

"Honey,we will tell you everything,just calm down,please.Alpha,can you leave us alone for a while?She need hear this from us,please."
Dylan nodded his head and walked away,leaving us alone.

"Jasmine,look,we should tell you this before all this happened,but we didn't so I guess now is the time.So,all that man said is true,he's Alpha.And,yes,we're werewolves,well,your mother isn't,she's human.When I met your mother,I knew we were born to each other,because,there's a "mate thing"in werewolf life.It's like when you see someone,you immediately feel different,you know you can't live without that person.That's called mate.We fell in love,she accepted me,she moved to our pack,and there were you born,my lovely daughter.But,one day,everything went wrong.Enemy pack attacked our territory,one of that werewolves entered into our room and tried to kill you.Your mother screamed and called for help.I killed that bastard,hugging you both,not allowing anyone to even touch you.I am,I mean I was the Beta,the second in the pack,the one who was always with Alpha,like his best friend.Some stupid member of our pack invented false story that I was the one who betrayed our pack,the one who allowed enemy pack enter.He showed false documents,letters,to Alpha.I was kicked out of pack,I even couldn't prove my innocence.As Alpha Xander couldn't kill me,because of our long friendship and because of you,he couldn't allow your mother raise you without father.So,we started new life,far away from pack.."-my dad finished with sad look.I knew he could never betray his best friend.

"But,is this the Alpha's Xander son?What does he wants?"my head was full of questions.

"Yes,it is.He was born 2 years before you,and he saved your life,you know,not just this time,when he found you at the seaside,he saved you when Alpha Xander wanted to give you to the rogues.Even he was only 3 years old,he was a good child,he noticed what his father is going to do,so he bit father's leg and asked him to not do that.Alpha couldn't resist son's wish and he gave you back to your mother.Now,after long time,he saved you once more,and,you're his mate,my dear...."

All that informations made me feel sick.I couldn't breath,and,darkness filled the room.....


So,guys,I hope you liked it.Please,please comment,tell me what you think.

Love you all!

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