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Just gonna be giving ships a score on a scale from 1-10:

Little Lizard x Tiny Turtle: 0

I don't like this ship at all considering they are twin brothers in real life, it just feels a bit weird to me. Also since we first saw their dynamic as teacher/student which is also a little odd. 

Little Kelly x Little Lizard: 0

This is similar to the one above, it was alright until the sibling reveal.. 0/10

Little Kelly x Little Donny: 8

I love this ship so much, especially in the beginning. But when the relationship became messy it was kind of awkward.. But I loved the princess and the frog theme! 

Little Carly x Scuba Steve: 7

I really liked this ship but I wish they made more content with it. So 7 because of the lack of content.

Scuba Steve x Sharky: 8

They seem more like friends to me, but I do love their dynamic since they are both mental.

Little Donny x Donut: 10

One of my favourite ships to read/write, it can be weird seeing that donut is a dog, but when I'm writing this ship he's human so.. but they have a great dynamic and litch have so much content together. Don't even get me started on the amount times they have kissed canonically. So yeah.. one of my favourites! 

Little Leo x Raven: 100

I LOVE THIS ONE!! Leo is my favourite little club character! And him and Raven had this bromance thing going on the whole time! (I swear there's a clip of carly saying that but I cant find it) I really liked the bad boy/sunshine thing they had going on. Like Leo was a goodie two shoes and Raven was the opposite but they complimented each other really well. ANDDD how Leo looked up to Raven (Like when he became a bad boy for Raven) LIKE!! AH! I love them.

Little Leo x Little Carly: 10

I really like this ship, like how Carly made Leo all shy and stuff. And how they were so awkward around each other was really cute. AND HOW LEO GAVE UP HIS KIDNEY TO KING TOM SO CARLY WOULD LIKE HIM !! They were adorable. Def on of my favourite canon ships!

Little Kelly x Raven: 0

I wanna like this one SO BAD, but like the whole storyline made no sense, like how was King Tom not Kelly's dad but he was Carly's? Like LK and LC were twins? In my head they are still related, like even if its not biologically, they have the same step-sister, which is weird. So 0/10

Little Ropo x Little Kelly: 8

Ok.. I know this ship started as a way to make Raven jealous but it ended up being kinda cute.. like they just work together y'know? 

Little/Baby Leah x Donny: ?

Look. I know Leah and Donny are dating in real life, and changed the roleplay so they we're dating. But idk how to feel since Leah was introduced as Donny's sister! SO  I have kinda 2 opinions, for Baby Leah/Donny its a no go but in the newer roleplays that were they aren't related it's kinda cute like, the irl video with them is adorable! 

Baby Leah x Baby Duck: 10

So cute, and even if it's not all that romantic, it's still cute to see them get shy and awkward around each other. Like there little "dates"! 

Baby Max x Baby Leah: 10

Same as above, just them experiences first crushes.

Baby Max x Baby Duck: 10

Same really, like imagine them going on their little dates and being all embarrassed as stuff.

Baby Leah x Baby Angel: 10


Little Leo x Penny: 10

Honestly, I liked them better together rather than Carly x Leo. They were so cute! I wish we had more videos with them. I feel like Leo would have fell for Penny if he had met her first.

Cassie x Donut: 8

I haven't watched much involving this ship but I like the dynamic, like cat and dog. It's cute and probably my second favourite Donut ship.

Little Donny x Little Leo: 10

One of my favourite ships, like I know they never spoke but like if they did... :PP

Little Ropo x Raven: 9

I love them and I feel like they would just match each others vibes 

Little Ropo x Jack: 9

Fun, probably one of the most popular ships in this fandom, it's cute, like the bromance they have.

Jack x Raven: 8

I know Raven pretends to hate Jack, but I think they are secretly besties. They would be such a power couple as well.

Little Ropo x Little Leo: 9

Idk they are just really cute, like they would get each other to. Plus they would be tired of Jack and Raven so they need each other for a breather.

Little Leo x Brittany: 10

HEAR ME OUT! In the Minecraft school videos, they kinda act like they have a thing for each other, there is litch one video where they are just flirting. I LOVE THEM!

Little Ropo x Ramona: 9

I've read stories about these two, and even tho they are unusual, I kinda really like them together, like it would be weird for Ropo to be Raven's dad. But I think a father/son relationship between them is fucking amazing, like Ropo would be the perfect father and like go to every football match and support his boy.

Little Carly x Little Ally: 10

Fun, love them, they are a power couple. This is my go to Carly ship you can't go wrong with them. Like!

Little Ally x Cassie: 10

Besties or lovers, I love these two! (obviously when Cassie's human) I think it's cute. 

Little Ally x Raven: 4

Started off bad since Ally was a bit obsessive over Raven, when he was clearly against it, but it had the opportunity!

Max the Monkey x Little Leo: 9

Am I only shipping this because of one video? yes. BUT COME ON, they hit it off like instantly. 

Little Ally x Little Ropo: 6

Was cute at the start then kinda got messy :/ and when Ropo wasn't even sad when they broke up. They just lost their spark.

Little Lizard x Donut :

YES! Especially in the FNAF series thing they done! I really like them together, just a chill relationship with no drama.

Ty for reading my useless opinions, this section of the book was inspired by LeeAngel333 book "Ships I Like, Ships I Don't Like(The Little Club Edition)"

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