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I want to do this again cuz all my opinions have changed A LOT

Little Lizard x Tiny Turtle: 0

Still a 0 just because they are twins irl.

Little Kelly x Little Lizard: 0

Siblings Irl

Little Kelly x Little Donny: 10

I like them so much, I kinda wish they got back together on Love Island

Little Carly x Scuba Steve: 9

Their date on Love Island makes me love them

Scuba Steve x Sharky: 9

Funny Pals, I love them. Funniest couple EVER

Little Donny x Donut: 10

They canon (totally), I like them together. I also love writing about them, red x blue dynamics on top!

Little Leo x Raven: 100

Love them so muchhhh, they were canon on love island. I LOVE THEM !! So cute and fun to write about. And the fact that Carly jokes about their bromance. I love the ginger x raven haired ships so much.

Little Leo x Little Carly: 10

Girlboss and her malewife, LOVE THEM <33

Little Kelly x Raven: 0

They're to close in the family tree to be dating I'm sorry, in my mind it's considered incest.

Little Ropo x Little Kelly: 7

I like them, Ropo just has to try !!

Little/Baby Leah x Donny: 0

In my version of the little club they're siblings. I don't see them any other way.

Baby Leah x Baby Duck: 10

Childhood crushes is so cute !!

Baby Max x Baby Leah: 10

Cute little childhood crushes

Baby Max x Baby Duck: 10

Cute childhood crushes

Baby Leah x Baby Angel: 10


Little Leo x Penny: 10

They r meant for each other, I love there videos together so much !!!

Cassie x Donut: 7

I love opposites attract and cat x dog but I don't really remember this ship so it's a 7

Little Donny x Little Leo: 9

I like them a whole lot, they just two princes.

Little Ropo x Jack: 10

Can you tell I love best friends to Lovers?? I miss when they were all people would write about.

Little Ropo x Little Leo: 9

They got along on Love Island (kinda) (I don't really know how to justify this rating)

Little Leo x Brittany: 10

They are in love (real) I love the videos of them together, tho Brittany in canon would probably hate this.

Little Ropo x Ramona: 0

I kinda only shipped this because I wanted Raven to have a decent father figure in his life. But now looking back its kinda weird, and Ramona don't deserve nobody. 

Little Carly x Little Ally: 10

They were the duo we needed.

Little Ally x Raven: 2

Raven will never like her back, most likely

Max the Monkey x Little Leo: 10

I like them and they are quirky and fun together

Little Ally x Little Ropo: 5

Did they actually like each other??

Little Lizard x Donut : 10

They were my OTP before DONDON.

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