Chapter 7 - The Festival Begins

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Meanwhile at Akrura's house,

"Rise and shine! This is the beginning of the end of tyranny!", said Devaka, as he shook Balaram, waking him up.

"Good morning, Devaka!", said Balaram, rubbing his eyes and as he looked around, he saw Krishna entering the room.

"Kanha! Did you go out somewhere? You seemed to have taken an early morning walk", he said

"Dau! You should also get up a little earlier. There is a beautiful stream nearby. I spent some time there", said Krishna, smiling broadly.

Balaram noticed this change in Krishna's expression and signed Devaka to go out as he wanted a word with Krishna in private. Devaka understood, winking at Balaram, left the room.

"Kanha! What did Shree tell you? What did you tell her?", Balaram literally leapt on to Krishna excited.

"Dau! How in the name of Mahadev did you know that I met her?", Krishna was shocked. He had always been an expert in hiding his emotions, but this time, the very brother he hid things from found out.

"Don't bother about how I found out. Anyone can tell, seeing your face. You tell me about the conversation", Balaram laughed.

Krishna told him every single line that was spoken and Balaram was so overwhelmed. He said only one thing, "I'm so proud of you Kanha! For mustering courage and opening up to her.", with a big broad smile. And he got up to get ready.

After everyone had breakfast and got ready,

Jayant, Sunanda, Kanika and Shree met Devaka, Upadevaka, Balaram and Krishna and they went together to the centre of the city where all the celebrations were to happen. They entered the large amphitheatre constructed specially for this event and began to take their place among the audience. Each row had space for four to five people. And by the time all the eight of them went, there were only two rows left, with space for five people in one row and three in another. Krishna hopes and prayed for what he wanted and to his joy, Kanika, Sunanda, Jayant, Devaka and Upadevaka decided to sit in the five seated row, leaving him, Balaram and Shree to sit in the three-seater row. And as he desired, Shree came and sat next to him, smiling, causing his joy to multiply.

And as they took their seats, they heard an announcement.

"Listen up one and all! Rajaadhiraja, Maharaja, Mathuraadhipati, Bhagavaan Kamsa has announced that all the citizens have to be present today by pre noon sharp. The grand celebration will first involve the worship of the mighty bow and post that will be a royal procession headed by the best elephant of the kingdom, Kuvalayaapeeta. Once Bhagavaan Kamsa arrives, the first day will consist of various cultural events. By evening, the princes of various kingdoms will arrive to attend the celebrations. The chief guests for the celebration are Prince Rukmi and Princess Rukmini from Vidarbha. All the citizens are expected to reach on time, else face the wrath of Bhagavaan Kamsa. The second day shall also start at the same time, with sports events like archery, long distance running and wrestling. The winner of the wrestling match will have an opportunity to have a duel with Bhagavaan Kamsa himself. Bhagavaan will bless the winner after the duel and reward him heftily. Hear one, hear all", drums were being beaten and announcements were made.

When all eight of them heard the announcement, Shree suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and squeezed her saree pallu a little, but she didn't show it. Sunanda and Kanika understood and they managed to keep calm. Krishna noticed her reaction at Princess Rukmini's name and wondered why she reacted that way.

"Tomorrow's special event announcement! Our Bhagavaan is extremely delighted to announce that his greatest nemesis, the very boy that the prophecy claimed would take his life, his dear nephew, the eighth son of Devaki and Vasudeva, Krishna will be coming to the celebrations. Watch Bhagavaan give the poor boy a painless death.", another announcement was made.

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