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I have decided to finally write the story about Ingrid because there aren't many stories about her, and all of them involve Mapi. When I am able to, I will start one about Alessia Russo."


Martina Lopez, 22 years old, had dreamt of this moment for years. With her camera and accreditation in hand, she finally had the opportunity to capture the games of the FC Barcelona women's team. The passion for football and photography blended in every click of her camera, and Martina felt on top of the world.

In the Johan Cruyff Stadium, amid the fans' excitement and palpable energy in the air, Martina skillfully moved her camera from the corner to find the perfect angles. Every expression, every goal, every moment of victory was immortalized through her lens. It was her dream come true.

While Martina focused on her work, oblivious to the attention she garnered from the players, Ingrid Engen watched her. The Norwegian midfielder had fought hard to reach this point, and finally, her effort was paying off; she was an indisputable starter.

Months passed, and Ingrid noticed the constant presence of the young photographer at every game. Martina became a familiar figure in the stands, her camera always ready to capture the next standout play.

As the games progressed, Martina's images became an integral part of the narrative of the team's successes. Her photos appeared in newspapers, sports magazines, and social media, immortalizing the determination and triumph of the FC Barcelona women's team.

Martina, on the other hand, was completely immersed in her hobby, unaware that her snapshots were beginning to catch the attention of a particular player: Ingrid Engen. The player was intrigued by the persistence and passion of the young photographer.

On a sunny afternoon after an exciting match, Ingrid and her teammates headed to the press area for post-game interviews. As they walked, Ingrid's teammates noticed the way her eyes followed Martina.

"Ingrid, who's that girl you can't stop looking at?" Claudia asked playfully, raising an eyebrow.

Ingrid, somewhat surprised by the observation, nervously laughed. "Oh, she's just a photographer who's always at the games. She takes really good photos."

Mapi, another teammate, looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "It doesn't seem like you're just admiring her photos. Is there something you're not telling us?"

Ingrid blushed slightly, trying to downplay the matter. "No, seriously. I just appreciate her work. She's talented."

Laughter among the teammates increased as they continued on their way to the press area. Ingrid, aware of the teasing, tried to maintain composure. However, the idea that her teammates might see her differently because of Martina's presence intrigued her.

A week later, after an exciting match, Alexia approached Martina as she packed up her equipment.

"Hi, Martina. Would you like to join us for a drink? We'd love to have you."

Martina, surprised and excited by the invitation, accepted gladly. They headed to a nearby cafe where the players and Martina shared laughter and anecdotes.

During the lively conversation, Ingrid sought the opportunity to talk more with Martina. Alexia, noticing the situation, winked at her and signaled that they would take care of it. She informed Mapi and Claudia, and they started talking to Martina.

Alexia looked at Martina, glancing at her friends at the same time. Mapi and Claudia joined the conversation enthusiastically.

"Martina, have you ever played football?" Mapi asked with a smile.

(🇬🇧🇺🇸) Shot by Martina - Ingrid EngenWhere stories live. Discover now