Martina was a curious and passionate girl from a very young age. At just 10 years old, she received a gift that would change her life forever: a camera.

On Martina's tenth birthday, the girl ran excitedly through the backyard of her house. Her friends and family had arrived early to celebrate her tenth birthday, and she was eager to join in the celebration.

Between laughter and games, Martina made her way through the crowd to a table decorated with balloons and presents. Her heart raced as she examined the packages wrapped in Disney paper, wondering what could be inside them.

"Martina, this one's from mom, dad, and me!" her cousin Leila said, handing her a carefully wrapped rectangular package.

Martina eagerly took the gift, feeling the excitement as she untied the ribbon and tore off the paper. When she finally opened the box, her eyes lit up at what she saw inside.

"THIS IS SO COOL! It's amazing!" Martina exclaimed, carefully lifting the camera to examine it closely.

"Happy birthday, Martina. I hope you like it," her aunt Clara said, smiling affectionately.

Martina hugged her cousin, aunt and uncle tightly; she had been waiting for this for so long. She knew this gift would be much more than just a camera.

"Thank you, aunt Clara. It's the best birthday present I could have imagined!" Martina exclaimed, with a smile.

"You're welcome, sweetheart! Now go try it out in the garden," her aunt said, encouraging her to enjoy her new camera.

With her camera in hand, Martina joined her friends and cousin and began taking photos of every decoration in the garden.

From the moment she held that little device in her hands, she knew that photography would be more than just a hobby for her.

With her camera in hand, Martina photographed every little detail that caught her eye. But her favorite place to photograph was the football field. Since she was a little girl, Martina had been fascinated by the sport, and football in particular held a special place in her heart.

She brought the camera to her practices and matches and photographed everything she could. Over time, Martina also began experimenting with video recording, documenting the practices with the same passion and dedication she put into her photographs.

Her friends and family admired her talent and her ability to capture the essence of the game, and she soon became the "official photographer" of her local team's top tier.

When it came time to decide her future after high school, Martina had no doubts. She was determined to turn her passion for photography and journalism into a professional career, and there was no better place to do it than in the sports field.

She entered university with a double major in photography and journalism, focusing on the sports world from the start. She spent hours in the photography lab, perfecting her technique and experimenting with different styles and approaches. At the same time, she immersed herself in the world of sports journalism, writing articles and reports on all the games she could attend of her favorite teams and athletes.

But her true passion remained women's football, particularly the FC Barcelona team. Martina closely followed every match, whether at the stadium or in front of the television, and did not miss a single detail.

Her photographs and articles about the team were recognized and admired by fans and professionals alike. But for the players of that team, she was just a photographer, as she didn't want people to know that she was also a journalist, as there were very good female sports journalists, and she didn't feel she was at their level.

Martina became a regular presence at the team's practices and matches, where she earned the respect and trust of the players and club staff. Always attentive and ready to capture the perfect moment, Martina had become an indispensable part of the world of FC Barcelona.

Thanks to her aunt Clara's gift, Martina was able to explore her passion for photography from a young age. Every opportunity she had, Martina carried her camera with her, capturing special moments and exploring the world through her lens. But it was thanks to her aunt and uncle that Martina was able to take it a step further and turn her love for photography into more than just a hobby.

But it didn't end there; her aunt and uncle were very helpful to Martina, as they were big football fans and were fortunate to know some influential people in the sports world, and thanks to them, Martina had come to photograph a team of such level.

One day, during a family gathering, her aunt and uncle introduced her to a friend who worked at FC Barcelona. He was so impressed by Martina's camera skills that he offered her the opportunity to attend the team's practices and matches to take photos.

This opportunity was a dream come true for Martina. Now, she could not only pursue her passion for photography but also had exclusive access to some of the world's best football players. With her camera in hand, Martina immersed herself in the world of women's football.

As she spent more time with the team, Martina began to feel a special connection with one of the players: Ingrid. From the moment she met her, Martina was captivated by Ingrid's skill and charisma on the field. Every time the Norwegian stepped onto the field, Martina knew she had to take as many photos as she could.

"What are you thinking about, cousin?" Leila asked.

Martina smiled affectionately at Leila's question, her cousin and one of the most important people in her life.

"I'm thinking about how you changed my life by giving me that camera. My best birthday without a doubt," Martina responded with gratitude, looking at Leila tenderly.

Leila nodded with a smile, remembering that special day. It was a joint decision by their parents (Martina's aunt and uncle) to give Martina the camera, aware of her love for photography from a young age.

"I remember how excited you were when you opened the gift. We knew it was something that would really make you happy," Leila commented, with a nostalgic gleam in her eyes.Martina nodded, recalling the feeling of joy and excitement she had experienced when she received her first camera.

"It was the beginning of everything for me. Since then, I haven't put the camera down," Martina added, reflecting on the impact that gift had had on her life.Leila gave her a look full of pride and affection.

"And look where you are now. You've achieved so much thanks to your talent and dedication. We're all very proud of you, cousin," Leila said, expressing the family's unconditional support for Martina.

Martina felt a warm lump in her throat at Leila's words. Knowing she had the support and love of her family meant everything to her, and she felt deeply grateful for it.

"Thank you, Leila. I couldn't have come this far without your support. You're my greatest inspiration," Martina replied, sincerity in her voice.

The two cousins hugged affectionately, remembering everything they had experienced together.

"Well, come on, let's go, they're waiting for us. You don't want to keep your Ingrid waiting, do you?"

"Right, we shouldn't be late, let's go."


A bit of Martina's story :)

(🇬🇧🇺🇸) Shot by Martina - Ingrid EngenWhere stories live. Discover now