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I came up with this idea this morning and wrote it on my way to class at noon. Enjoy it, and please give me ideas to continue :)

Martina woke up excited for the day that awaited her. She got up early, meticulously prepared her photographic equipment, and chose the third kit of this 23-24 season, with Ingrid's name & number, of course. The jersey fit perfectly, and Martina felt ready to be part of the team in a unique way. She put on her jacket to try to hide the fact that her jersey had the same number and went down to the kitchen.

After a quick breakfast, she lightly applied makeup and defined her curls before heading to the training fields of the FC Barcelona women's team. The vibrant atmosphere and bright sun added to the sense of anticipation filling the air.

Arriving at the training fields, Martina immersed herself even more in the electrifying atmosphere. Excitement grew with each step, and when the locker room came into view, Martina's heart beat strongly. She watched as the footballers energetically emerged to start their training.

The locker room door opened, and the players came out, ready for the challenge. Martina, with her camera in hand, tried to stay calm and professional, although her heart beat with a mix of excitement and gratitude. The first friendly looks and friendly smiles from the footballers made Martina feel an integral part of the day. Alexia, Claudia, Mapi, and, of course, Ingrid, approached with enthusiasm.

"Hi, Martina!" greeted Alexia, with a spark of fun in her eyes.

Martina returned the greeting, trying to maintain composure. As the girls dispersed across the field to start training, Ingrid approached Martina with a warm smile.

"We're delighted to have you here, Martina," Ingrid said with a gleam in her eyes reflecting the team's determination.

Excitedly, Martina nodded. "Thank you for inviting me; I've never taken photos of training sessions."

They talked for a few more minutes, and as the time approached, Ingrid headed to join her teammates.

With each click of her camera, Martina felt more connected to the players and their passion for football. The training session unfolded with the same intensity as a match, and Martina was determined to capture the essence of every movement, gesture, and spark of talent.

The sun illuminated the field, and the laughter and voices of the players resonated, creating a symphony of teamwork and dedication. As Martina moved among them, seeking the perfect angles, the girls continued their exercises with enthusiasm.

At the end of the training, the players approached Martina, curious to see the photos she had captured.

"Martina, how about joining us for a friendly match?"

Surprised but excited, Martina accepted the invitation. She quickly took off her jacket, feeling a bit nervous about playing with such a talented group. Unaware that her jersey number was now visible.

The match began, and Martina proved to be a surprisingly skilled player. Her ball skills and ability to integrate into the game amazed the footballers. Ingrid, with a smile, approached her during a break.

"Incredible, Martina! We wouldn't have guessed you don't play regularly. Do you have experience?"

Panting but happy, Martina replied with laughter. "Not much, but it seems that the passion for football is also transmitted through playing."

The match continued with Martina contributing to exciting plays and goals.

"Martina, you have a natural talent for this. Why don't you join more often?" Claudia said, laughing.

(🇬🇧🇺🇸) Shot by Martina - Ingrid EngenWhere stories live. Discover now