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The glow of the city lights illuminated the path as Martina drove to Alexia's house. Martina was eager to spend time with the players outside of the soccer field, especially to see Ingrid after the intense day they had shared.

Upon arriving at Alexia's house, Martina was greeted by the other players, who were already gathered in the backyard where the party was taking place. Loud music and laughter filled the air as the girls enjoyed each other's company.

"Martina, you made it! Thank you for coming!" exclaimed Alexia with a smile, greeting the photographer with a hug.

"Hi everyone, thanks for inviting me, Alexia!" Martina replied, returning the hug to the captain.

Martina immersed herself in the atmosphere, greeting the other players and sharing laughs. However, her attention was focused on one person in particular: Ingrid.

"Martina!" a familiar voice called from the other side of the garden. Martina turned and saw Ingrid approaching with a bright smile.

"Hey gorgeous," Martina replied with an equally bright smile.The two embraced warmly. Martina couldn't help but notice how beautiful Ingrid looked, with her hair down and a sparkle in her eyes.

"How's it going?" Ingrid asked, looking at Martina curiously.

"Great, thanks. I've been editing the photos I took of you guys and getting ready for the next game. How about you?" Martina replied as they walked together towards the group of players.

"Awesome! Training and enjoying some free time. I'm glad you came tonight," Ingrid said with a sincere smile.

Martina smiled and took Ingrid's hand, feeling her heart beating strongly in her chest. Their connection seemed to intensify with each passing moment. The party was in full swing when Martina and Ingrid joined the group of players. The music continued to play and laughter filled the garden as everyone enjoyed the festive atmosphere.

Martina was engrossed in conversation, sharing laughs and anecdotes with the other girls, but her attention kept returning to Ingrid, who was by her side, radiating contagious energy.

"Let's play Beer Pong! Who's in?" Claudia exclaimed, causing excitement among the players.

"I'm in!" Martina shouted, feeling the need to get some alcohol in her system. Ingrid joined in too, and soon teams were formed to start the game. Martina and Ingrid were on the same team, sharing laughs and camaraderie as they competed against the other girls.

The game was full of fun moments, with Martina and Ingrid working together as a team to defeat their opponents. The chemistry between them was evident, and every interaction was filled with shared smiles. After several rounds of Beer Pong, the players took a break to catch their breath and have a drink (and for Martina, the more alcohol, the better).

Martina stood next to Ingrid as they looked out at the garden illuminated by the party lights.

"I love having you here," Ingrid exclaimed, looking at Martina with a luminous smile. "I'm glad I came," Martina replied, returning the smile. Martina felt increasingly drawn to Ingrid's magnetic energy.

"Shall we take a walk in the garden?" Ingrid asked, looking into Martina's eyes. Martina nodded with a smile, happy to spend some time alone with Ingrid. Together, they walked away from the bustle of the party and into the peaceful garden, where the murmur of the music faded into the air.

The cool night air enveloped them as they walked through the garden, the moonlight illuminating their path, creating a romantic atmosphere that only intensified the connection between them. "Martina, since we met, I feel more alive, more myself," Ingrid said, looking at her affectionately. Martina smiled at Ingrid's words, her heart filled with warmth and gratitude.

"Ingrid, you've also been a very important part of my life since we met, you're very special to me," Martina replied, looking at her tenderly. A comfortable silence settled between them as they continued walking through the garden, sharing the tranquility of the night and the twinkle of the stars above them. Martina felt at peace, enjoying Ingrid's company and the moment.

"There's something I want to tell you," Ingrid said with a serious expression, stopping to look directly into Martina's eyes. Martina stood still, feeling the seriousness in Ingrid's words and wondering what she might want to say.

"From the moment I first saw you, I knew you were someone special. Your passion for photography, your sweetness, and your dedication to the team. But beyond that, there's something about you that attracts me in a way I can't ignore," Ingrid continued, her intense gaze reflecting her sincere feelings.

Martina's heart was pounding in her chest as she absorbed every word. "Ingrid, I..." Martina began to say, but was interrupted by Ingrid, who gently placed a finger on Martina's lips, silencing her.

"Let me finish," Ingrid said softly, removing her finger and looking at Martina with determination. Martina nodded, allowing Ingrid to continue, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement inside her.

"Martina, I've spent a long time trying to understand these feelings I have for you, and I've finally realized that I can't deny what I feel. I'm attracted to you in a way that goes beyond friendship, and I want to give it a try, if you do too," Ingrid declared, her eyes shining with intensity as she waited for Martina's response.

Martina was breathless, surprised by Ingrid's revelation and overwhelmed by the wave of emotions that washed over her. The idea of ​​starting a romantic relationship with Ingrid filled her with joy and excitement, but also with uncertainty and fear.

"Ingrid, I..." Martina said, trying to find the right words to express what she felt in that moment.

"You don't have to answer right away, Martina. I just wanted you to know how I feel and that I'm willing to wait as long as you need to process it. The most important thing is that I want you to be happy, whether it's with me or not," Ingrid said tenderly, placing a hand on Martina's shoulder and looking at her with affection.

Martina relaxed at Ingrid's understanding, feeling deeply grateful to have her in her life. She knew she couldn't ignore the feelings she had been feeling towards her.

"Ingrid, I also feel something for you. From the moment we met, I felt a special connection with you that I can't ignore either. I'm not sure what this means or where it will lead us, but I would like to give it a try with you," Martina replied, looking at Ingrid with determination and sincerity.

The smile that formed on Ingrid's face was the answer Martina needed, and in that moment she knew they were on the right path. "You're amazing," Ingrid said with a radiant smile, hugging Martina tightly.

Martina wrapped Ingrid in her arms, feeling a wave of happiness and excitement fill her heart. The night was full of possibilities, and Martina was looking forward to experiencing what the future held for them together.

The tension between them dissipated in an instant, replaced by a complicity that filled the air around them. With their hearts beating in unison, Martina and Ingrid slowly drew closer to each other, allowing their lips to meet in a gentle yet meaningful kiss.

The world seemed to fade away around them as they immersed themselves in the moment, wholly surrendered to that unique instant. When they finally parted, their gazes met with a blend of tenderness and passion.

"I love you, Martina," whispered Ingrid, her eyes shining with love.

"I love you too, Ingrid," replied Martina, with a radiant smile.

Together, they made their way back to the party, where the other football players welcomed them with hugs and smiles. The music continued to play, and joy filled the atmosphere, but for Martina and Ingrid, everything seemed to be at peace.


Now that they are together, what direction would you like this story to take?

(🇬🇧🇺🇸) Shot by Martina - Ingrid EngenWhere stories live. Discover now