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Ana: "Do you have everything?"
God how I hate it when mum always makes me look like I'm completely forgetful.
Haydn: "Everything but courage"
Ana: "Darling, you just have to get on a plane, nothing big."
Haydn: "I don't know, I think a plane is pretty big"
Ana: "If you continue to stand here, the plane will fly without you"
Haydn: "Okay"
Ana: "Okay?"
Haydn: "yeah not okay you're right"
I hugged her
Ana: "I'm sure you'll do great"
Haydn: "We'll see"
Ana: "I love you"
Haydn: "bye"
I got on the plane.
Honestly......I don't want to leave.
My name is Haydn Lopéz.
I'm actually from England, so I was born here but I've lived in Barcelona almost my whole life.
I can speak English fluently because of my mother.
My mother is purely English while my father is purely Spanish.
So I am both.
We speak Spanish at home but my mother taught me English.
My father met my mother on vacation and they had a one night stand which obviously went wrong....luckily for me.
I love Barcelona...everything about Barcelona, ​​the culture, the language, the people, the club, the ocean, everything.
I played for Barca all my life. I'm a huge fan of the club.
I'm now 24, i was at the best form of my life til i got injured...
10 days ago I was told that a loan might be better to get back to my old strength.
Very friendly.
So now I'm here...
On the plane...
On the way to London. North London to be precise.
I know some Players.
I'm actually very good with Beth because of my mother.
Long story...maybe i'll tell you later.
See my father and my mother were never together. They had that one night and then me.
They are good friends but there was never anything romantic.
I also know Viv because of Beth.
And some players from England because of the national team.
I've never been with the national team because I always refused but i watched some of beths games.
I've never been able to decide between England and Spain.
Anyway, after a long flight I finally landed.
I called a taxi and drove to the training ground.
I'll be staying with Beth, Viv and a few others I don't know yet.
I had a long conversation with Jonas for what felt like years but he was cool.
Beth then showed me around a bit.
Beth: "How is your mother?"
Elena: "Yeah, she's good, just really stressed out somehow"
Beth: "She always is"
Beth is like my big sister.
Beth: "I'll show you the gym"
Elena: "the best"
We walked around the corner and I didn't look.
I bumped into someone.
Haydn: "Oh, I'm sorry"
I said.
I met beautiful eyes.
???:,,No problem....."

Leah's POV
I was asked into the office by Jonas earlier.
I always hated that.
There are so many stairs here ,why are there so many stairs here?
I'm in a bad mood and then someone bumps into me.
I was ready to fight...I really was.
But when I looked up...
I met strange brown eyes.
Beautiful smile and definitely good hand placement, cause when we bumped into each other, she held my hips out of reflex but immediately let go.
Beth:,,That's Leah"
Haydn:,,Haydn....Lopez.....new here"
She said and shook my hand
Leah: „nice to meet you"
Beth: "She's also one of your roommates from now on."
Beth said to Haydn.
A chance to get to know her better .Perfect.
Leah: "Then I'll see you again today"
Elena: "You will"
She smiled at me and left.
I couldn't get that smile out of my head the whole day.
Katie then wrote to the group that we were going to a club tonight and if anyone wanted to come, they should.
Sooooo i mean who says no? I wouldn't miss a party.
Everyone was walking because the club was right around the corner...but everyone had already started walking so I had to walk alone...Kinda creepy because it's dark.
Okay maybe I should have walked with someone.
Suddenly I heard someone running after me.
My heart rate was at 200 for a brief moment.
Haydn: "Don't hit me okay it's just me"
Leah: "I was ready for a fight"
Okay Leah that was cringe...was it cringe?
Elena: "Why the hell are you walking around alone at night?"
Leah: "You walk around alone at night too"
Elena: "No, actually I'm walking because of you, I hate parties, I didn't want to go but I certainly won't let you walk alone."
She said laughing.
Okay, it's over, I fell.
Leah: "Oh God, now I'm making you do something you don't like."
Haydn:,,no...no. I like talking, so it's actually a relatively good thing."
Leah: "Okay, tell me what brought you to North London?"
Haydn: "My injury"
Leah: "You're Haydn Lopez, who would care if you had an injury?"
Haydn: "I don't know myself... I was surprised when Barça said they wanted to let me go on loan"
Leah: "Oh, that's a loan."
Haydn: "yeah 1 year then I'll be back home"
Leah:,,Hey! Arsenal is way better"
Haydn: "Well, I'm a Barça fan from the bottom of my heart."
Leah: "Then tell your heart that in a year it will be Arsenal"
Haydn: "Barça is my first and last love"
Leah: "We'll see about that."
Haydn: "And you...how long have you been here?"
Leah: "since I can count"
Haydn: "a gunner through and through"
Leah: "yeah.....you sound pretty British"
Haydn: "I'm half English"
Leah: "Why don't you play for England?"
Haydn: "I can't decide"
Leah: "between?"
Haydn: "I was born here but grew up in spain...my mother is English so she learned me"
Leah: "I'm telling you...once you've been to England you don't want to leave again"
Haydn: "Then I hope you don't disappoint me."
Leah:,, soooo now you have a decision. Just play for England"
Haydn:,,chill, I hate decisions, which is why I don't make them in the first place."
smart girl. I like this.
Leah: "okay your point..."
There was silence for a short time.
Leah:,,How do you know Beth?"
Haydn: "We are like...step-siblings"
Leah: "What?"
I asked, laughing.
Haydn: "yeah no for real we are"
Leah: "How?"
Haydn:,,okay look my mother and father had a one night thing...good for me, bad for them. They never got together, I no longer have contact with my father, So my mother was best friends with Beth's mother and met Beth's father and they've been together ever since."
Leah: "That...is..."
Haydn: "horrific yeah, I know"
Leah: ,,wow my brain isn't braining right now...and why don't you like parties? Everyone likes parties"
Haydn: "first, too many people, second, too many drunk people and third I just don't like big crowd."
Leah: "It sounds like... you don't like people"
Haydn: "Oh, I love people... just not stupid ones."
Leah: "So I'm stupid for you just because I'm going to a party."
I asked, laughing
Haydn: "No, I don't like people who get drunk every day and make out with every person, they're stupid, I really hope you're not stupid."
Leah: "So you don't Drink? You're like the super human"
Haydn: "I do drink... just in normal quantities"
Leah: "So you've never been drunk before"
Haydn: "no...i know my limits. I decide for myself whether I feel like drinking or not."
Leah: "You're a really good human you know that?"
Haydn: "I'm normal... but I don't like to commit myself you know. I like being on my own"
Leah: "Anti social and anti relationships."
I said laughing
Haydn: "No...I like Company from the right people and i'm more like Date to marry not situationship after situationship you know?"
She's more like me than I thought.
Haydn: "Even if I don't plan on getting married... it's too tiring for me"
Leah: "good point"
Haydn: "Are you a relationship person?"
Leah: "nahhh not really after my first love I gave up on love"
Haydn: "sounds painful"
Leah: "It was"
Haydn: "That's why I'm glad I don't have something like that."
Leah: "You've never had a crush before?"
Haydn: "Leah, of course I had...I've stopped counting...but how do you put that without sounding arrogant? I was in love with their looks, not their character."
Leah: "That sounds pretty unromantic."
Haydn: "They all just had shitty characters"
We are now at the club and she opened the door for me.
Leah: "Do you want to come in?"
Haydn: "Do I have another choice? Not that someone dumps you, you walk home crying and then someone kidnaps you."
Leah: "very creative"
Haydn: "Who knows if it will really happen?"

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