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Haydn's Pov
*1 month later
I miss Leah so much, you have no idea.
At the beginning I thought it would be easy but it's so damn hard.
We haven't seen each other for a month and it feels like I'm a different person without her.
We have the second game today.
We won the first one comfortably 3-0.
We always call each other but it's so painful not having her in my arms.
I was in a room with Jana and everything was easy.
We are good friends, Very good friends and she is so incredibly important to me.
She is my support and she makes everything easier.
That's what good friends are for.
And to be honest right now I realize how much I really love Leah.
She called me early but I didn't see it because I was still asleep, so I called back later.
"Hey, sorry, I was sleeping."
"of course you were"
she said laughing.
,,What are you doing right now?
I asked her.
"I'm driving right now as you can hardly see"
I asked.
"To my mum"
"Well say greetings to her"
,,I will. She misses you"
I laughed. I love Leahs mother, she has become like my own.
"I miss her too"
There was a moment of silence and I watched her drive.
She looks so cute, you have no idea.
,,I miss you"
I said.
"You tell me that every day"
"and I mean it every second"
,,You are cute"
I smiled.
My heart still beats like crazy when she says that.
"We'll see each other soon"
Leah said.
"yeah soon"
"It's going to be a long time"
,,No it's not. I promise you will see me soon"
"Okay sir"
"I'm going to hang up now before I cause an accident and you never see me again, okay?"
"Good luck with your game today."
"Are you going to watch it on TV?"
"Oh wow...that was hard."
"Okay, I'll hang up yeah?"

Leah's POV
You should have seen her face when I said no.
She looked so hurt I could have started crying.
I hated to say it but...she'll be happy later.
What she doesn't know is that I won't be watching her game on TV but in the stadium.
With mum, of course, she really wanted to come along.
These two have become something like daughter and mother, which is kind of scary.
But I think it's cute, I admit it.
I miss her so much and damn it's so hard not seeing her.
My condolences to anyone in a long-distance relationship.
But today I will see her...

Haydn's Pov
"Shall we warm up?"
Jana asked me.
We warmed up together and everything was perfect.
We were finished and put the balls in the ball bag.
She always thinks she's a basketball player.
"Okay Jana, don't be a child and put the ball in like a human."
I said laughing and she threw me off with it.
I took the ball and she ran away.
I shot and hit her completely.
"Girls please concentrate"
I laughed at her.
She came to me and gave me the middle finger.
"Hey Fernandez, stay professional, there are children here."
She laughed and patted me on the shoulders.
"Have a good game"
I nodded.

Leah's POV
There's something in the air here.
This is so suspicious.
Even my mother looked at me skeptically.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
she asked me.
,,A little bit..."
There was a moment of silence.
"No, I trust her, they are good friends. I like Jana, she's a nice girl, she helps Haydn a lot."
"...yeah, you're right. Haydn is...Haydn"
The game went well.
Haydn played well.
And I never noticed how good she looks while playing.
I even missed her so much that I learned Spanish this month.
I even have a Spain jersey a proud Englishwoman.
what we don't do for love right?
The game was over.
Haydn has scored 2 goals but she looks unhappy.
I know that face.
Maybe not dissatisfied but unhappy. Sad.
Until Jana came to her and hugged her.
For a moment I was jealous but my heart broke at the thought of someone else hugging her.
She hates physical touch.
With everyone...except me.
They went then in the cabin.
Me and mum waited.
I wrote Haydn.
'go to block A, there's a fan of yours, who really wants to see you'
She read it straight away.
She came out and I'm telling you this woman looks perfect.
Wet hair and a red t-shirt, a very dangerous combination to look good.
Some fans called out her name and she signed some autographs until she saw me.
She started laughing, you can't imagine that.
She climbed over the pole.
"Be careful"
I said.
She came straight to me and hugged me tightly.
,,No way"
she said.
I missed her arms around me so much.
Her smell, she still uses my shampoo.
That's really cute.
She kissed my cheek.
"Chill, we're in public"
I said laughing.
,,I do not care"
She then let go and went to my mother.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
She asks my mother.
"then it wouldn't have been a surprise anymore, darling"
"How do you feel after scoring two goals?"
I said, holding my phone out to her like it was an interview.
"I don't care about the goals, I'm very happy that my wife was watching me"
she said smiling.
My heart did a triple backflip.
My wife...
I think that was the happiest moment of my life so far.
She was leaning against the railing.
I stood in front of her and remove a strand of her hair.
She looked at me smiling.
The look of love.
"nice shirt"
she said.
"Oh yeah, I'm a Spain fan."
She smiled.
"Okay, I admit that was a lie...actually I'm a fan of a player there. Number 10 to be exact."
"Oh really?"
"yeah...she looks good"
She laughed.
,,I am still here"
my mother said.
"Right...I like number 10 because she plays the best."
,,that sounds great"
She looked at me with those eyes.
"Stop looking like that, it's mean"
She shook her head.
"I missed the sight"
,,I've missed you"
I said and kissed her.
I forgot we were in public but it didn't deter her.
And to be honest, I don't care who saw it and who didn't.
She smiled slightly.
"Okay darling, I'm going to go outside."
said mum to me.
Haydn hugged her.
"We'll see each other again very soon, yes?"
Haydn asked.
"Of course we will...I'm very proud of you"
,,Thank you"
"I'm waiting for you, Leah...she tells me every day how much she misses you you have no idea and-"
"Okay mom, you can go"
Haydn smiled.
"of course she does"
said Haydn, laughing.

She is perfect. I don't deserve her wow.
Mum then left and I turned back to Haydn.
"She's right, I really miss you"
"Oh I know I know but in less than a month I'll have you again every day."
"How's the therapy going?"
,,...yeah good. everything's fine, don't worry"
"My Batman scored 2 goals today"
"Your Batman misses you."
I ran my hands through her hair.
"ewww wet"
She smiled and kissed me again.
God how I missed those lips.
Those dark almost black eyes aghhh.
"You look hot"
I said like a teenager in love.
She laughed.
,,I do not want you to leave"
She said, holding my waist.
Her hands keep sending butterflies through my stomach.
"I'm not going. I am always here."
I said and placed my hand over her heart.
She smiled and blushed slightly.
"Uh someone blush here"
"I always blush around you"
I hugged her to feel her smell and her warmth again.
,,we will see eachother soon Right?"
She nodded and looked at me with those love-filled eyes.
"Go now before I never let you go again."
I said laughing and releasing her hands on my hips.
She stayed there and looked at me.
,,Why don't you go?"
"You said you'd never let me go if I stayed, so I'm staying."
I laughed and went back to kiss her.
I don't care about the cameras and all the consequences for this moment.
"go now please"
I said laughing.
"Yeah....Thank you for coming, Leah"
"Don't Leah me"
"Okay Leah"
I laughed and she climbed down the railing.
I miss her already.
"Call me"
I called after.
"Why don't you just call?"
I said quietly, but she apparently heard and gave the middle finger.
And then she was gone.
And I miss her again...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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