Hustle Dimension

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(Cut to Rhonda driving, and Spruce is listening to Velvet and Veneer sing one of their latest pop hits on the radio)

💜Never gets old💜

💜No matter how much I'm told I'm amazing💜

💚You're amazing💚

Spruce: Oh, my kids love these guys. We're a total Veneer household.

Floyd: They're the ones who have Floyd.

Spruce: Ugh. It's gonna be hard to separate the art from the artist.

Announcer: That's Velvet and Veneer's spicy-hot new single "Watch Me Work." Catch them tomorrow night at the Rage Dome where they'll be receiving the Lifer Award. Lifer Award!

(Spruce turns off the radio)

Branch: Guys, will Floyd even make it through that show?

Poppy: Don't worry. We're gonna make it. We've been looking for clues to find Clay.

(Cut to the clue board, where Poppy puts up a few magazine articles as clues to find Clay)

Branch: Oh, I'm sorry. The clue board? You mean my clue board? That I made? We like the clue board now?

Poppy: [looks at a magazine article of Clay wearing Funderdrawers] What is he wearing?

Branch: Oh. Those are just his...

(A magazine article zooms in to Clay wearing his "Funderdrawers")

💛Perfect, perfect, perfect💛

Beanch: ...Funderdrawers. [uses a hammer to smash the glass that contains Clay's Funderdrawers]

Stinky Ghosts: Ooh, stinky.

(Stinky ghosts come out and attack Poppy and John)

John Dory: Oh, gawd.

Branch: John Dory, I have no idea why you saved these. It's incredibly disgusting, but I'm glad you did.

John Dory: What? They're memorabilia. But I will be good gosh-darned if I know how they're gonna help us find Clay.

Rhonda: [sniffing, growling]

(Poppy holds Branch by the shorts and Branch uses a stick on the undies in front of Rhonda to sniff it)

Branch: Help us, Rhonda. She's got the scent. [Poppy pulls him back]

Rhonda: [roaring]

John Dory: Hey, Tiny. You see that button?

Tiny Diamond: Uh, yeah.

John Dory: That beautiful, shiny button?

Tiny Diamond: Oh, you mean the button that is taking every fiber of my being not to press? Yeah, I see it.

John Dory: Press it.

Tiny Diamond: Oh, heck yeah! Ooh! Let's hustle, daddy!

Rhonda: [purring]

(Rhonda goes into Hustle Mode, and they go through a lot of Hustle Dimensions)

(music playing)

♪ Do it ♪

Branch: Whoa!

♪ Do it ♪

Poppy: [gasping]

♪ Do the hustle ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Do the hustle ♪

♪ Everyday I'm hustling ♪

♪ Do the hustle, baby ♪

♪ Do the hustle ♪

♪ Do it ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

Hustle Man: Hustle!

♪ Do it ♪

♪ Do it ♪

♪ Do it ♪

Trolls: [grunting]

Poppy: Wow. Too much hustle is a thing.

Branch: Huh. Look at that.

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