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(Cut to Mount Rageous)

(dance music playing)

Branch: All right, look. Security is really tight. So we're not gonna be able to just walk right in.

Poppy: You know what that means. We're scaling the walls.

Tiny Diamond: We're huh? Doing what? When?

(Cut to the Rage Dome)

Branch: We should plan to make our ascent about 200 meters east of the entrance.

(Cut to the top of the Rage Dome where we see Poppy, Branch, and Tiny climbing with gummy gloves)

Poppy: Good thing I brought extra gummy gloves.

Tiny Diamond: I'm tired. Carry me.

Poppy: You have to walk on your own, Tiny. You have to be a big boy.

Tiny Diamond: But my feet hurt. I don't wanna.

Branch: The quickest way in will be at the roof.

Poppy: [they reach the air ducts] The HVAC system.

Branch: Ooh. I love how you say HVAC. [Tiny reaches the air ducts as well]

Poppy: Thank you.

(They enter the air ducts, where they'll have to bypass the fan blade)

Branch: But we'll have to bypass the fan blade, so that our cupcakes don't get sliced in two.

Tiny Diamond: Ooh! We brought cupcakes?

Poppy: No.

Branch: Not what I meant. It doesn't matter.

(Branch dives to the fan blade and pulls out some cotton candy from his hair. He throws it at the fan blades in order to make them stuck to the cotton candy. The fan blades are stuck, and Poppy and Tiny dive in)

Poppy: Woo-hoo!

Branch: After that, we need to cut the power, so we can move freely through the interior air ducts.

(Poppy wears a welder's mask and is holding a torch, cutting out the wires)

Branch: How do you know which wires to cut?

Poppy: I don't. I'm just blasting everything until something turns off.

(And the lights turn off, even in the bathroom)

Lone Pooper: Hello?

Branch: From there, we'll have to do some exploring, but we'll find Floyd in one of those rooms.

Poppy: Look. There he is.

(Then there's Floyd, still stuck in the perfume bottle)

Poppy: Come on. [she pulls out a sticky hand and they climb down to one of the vanity tables from the twins' dressing room]

Branch: Floyd.

Floyd: [notices Branch] Branch? Is it really you?

Branch: Yeah. It's really me.

Floyd: [chuckles] Wow. You've really grown into that vest. You're a man now.

Beanch: [hugs against the diamond perfume bottle] Oh! Finally, somebody gets me.

(Branch and Floyd hug, despite that he's still trapped in the perfume bottle)

Floyd: But you need to leave. Right now.

Poppy: No, Floyd. It's okay. We're here to rescue you.

Floyd: No. This is a trap. Velvet and Veneer, they-they lured you here. You gotta leave before they come back. Hurry!

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