Leaving to Mount Rageous

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(After the song, the camera pans to an upside-down ice cream cone house where Viva and Poppy are in)

Poppy & Viva: [giggling]

Poppy: So I was thinking about getting more into, like, reading short stories and essays instead of full novels.

Viva: Ooh, I love that for you.

Poppy: Yeah. But, um—But just to circle back real quick. I still have a million questions about what happened.

Viva: I used to live at the Troll Tree. I was there when you were born. And you were so cute. Kinda like you are now, only teensier and weensier and— [gasps] Do you wanna make candy necklaces that we never finish because we eat all the candy?

Poppy: Obviously! But, Veev, I'm just gonna need you to focus here and—and tell me everything. Why am I only learning about you now? What happened?

(Viva moves a PED mouth as she speaks)

Viva: [in robot voice] We got accidentally separated. [normal voice] And I've lived here ever since. The end. Wanna do candy toe rings next?

Poppy: Uh, accidentally separated?

(Cut to Clay, Spruce, JD, and Branch. Where Clay tells his brothers about the story of the great Bergen attack)

Clay: Viva doesn't like to talk about it. It's too painful for her. But she's been here ever since the night of the great Bergen attack.

(Cut back to Poppy and Viva, where Viva is seen threading candies)

Viva: [humming]

Poppy: Viva, are you talking about the night the Trolls escaped Bergen Town?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I guess it was that night. [humming]

(Back to Clay telling the story to his brothers)

Clay: Not everyone made it out of that tree.

(The shadows reveal the great Bergen attack, where the Trolls almost got eaten and some of them got trapped by the Bergens)

Clay: Some of them got trapped by Bergens. They were this close to getting eaten...

Trolls: [squeaking]

Clay: ...until Viva and some of the other Trolls fought them off.

(The shadow shows Viva fighting off the Bergens)

Viva: [grunting]

Clay: But by then... the tunnels had collapsed, and they were cut off from the rest.

(Cut to Bergen Town, where King Peppy talks about his own story of how he lost his long-lost daughter Viva)

King Peppy: I kept screaming, "No Troll left behind!" But when I went back in, the tunnels had collapsed. That's when I found Viva's hug time bracelet.

(Cut back to Clay and his brothers)

Clay: Viva found this old, abandoned Bergen golf course and transformed it into this Troll utopia. We formed this little sanctuary of survivors. I added fire exits. She added her heart and soul.

(Cut back to Viva)

Viva: I've thought so many times about leaving, you know, to look for you and Dad, but it's not safe out there

(Cut back to King Peppy)

King Peppy: I know I should've told Poppy, but my heart was broken. I felt like a failure. Not just as a king, but as a father. I feel so guilty. What do you think I should do?

Mr. Dinkles: [in deep voice] I'm afraid that's our time for today.

King Peppy: But I just revealed a major trauma.

Mr. Dinkles: [squeaks]

(This shocks King Peppy)

(Cut back to Poppy and Viva)

Poppy: Okay. Obviously this is a lot, and you should be able to open up about this on your own time. But we'll have plenty of time to work through this on the way to Mount Rageous.

(Viva is finished making a candy necklace, and then she puts it on Poppy)

Viva: Whoa! I am not going to Mount Rageous. And neither are you, silly. You're never gonna leave again. [puts on her cape and leaves, then Poppy stands there confused]

Poppy: Wait, what was the—What was that last thing?

(Clay is seen packing his things, preparing to leave with his brothers to go to Mount Rageous to save Floyd)

Clay: Okay, guys, if we're gonna save Floyd, we need to get going.

Poppy: I'll go get Poppy.

Clay: No, no, no, wait. Hold on. There's no way Viva's gonna let her go.

Branch: What? W-What are you talking about?

Clay: Like I said, she's got some stuff going on, man. If we don't wanna get trapped, we should sneak out now.

(Too late. The gate closes, and Rhonda is outside)

Rhonda: [growling]

(Viva and the other Putt-Putt Trolls arrive)

Clay: Oh, hey... [chuckles] Viva. What's up, girl?

Poppy: Viva! What are you doing?

Viva: You're not leaving here no matter what, because—because it's just not safe out there. You're welcome.

Poppy: Wait, is this about the Bergens? Because they stopped trying to eat us. That's all in the past.

Viva: Yeah, right. That's hilarious, Poppy. I'm laughing really hard.

Poppy: I'm serious, Viva. Bridget, my best friend I was telling you about, she's a Bergen. Look.

(Poppy shows Viva her scrapbook of her and Bridget)

Poppy: Bridget and I do a million fun things together. We talk and we play games and we sing songs. And make up these really bad dances. It's a lot like—Well, actually, it's a lot like what you and I have been doing. The world's a lot different than it used to be.

Branch: Viva, look, I used to be just like you. I built a bunker, and I lived in it for years because I knew it was safe. And, sure, i-it kept me alive. And I never had to wear pants. But I was living without pants. Does that make sense?

Tiny Diamond: Well, I feel judged.

Viva: You don't understand. I just got my sister back. I'm not gonna lose you. For anything.

(Clay opens the gate for the Trolls, which shocks Viva)

Viva: Clay?

Clay: I'm sorry, Viva, but we have to leave. I don't wanna lose my brother either.

(This hits Viva hard)

Clay: Let's move! [everyone leaves, except Viva who is just standing there, frightened]

Viva: No. No, Poppy, wait!

(Viva is about to catch up to her younger sister, but is too afraid to leave the golf course)

Viva: [gasping] Poppy, please! I want you to stay!

Poppy: Viva, I can't do that. But you can come with us. And I know you think it's risky, and maybe it is, but it'll be worth it. Family's always worth it.

Viva: No, no, no, I—I can't. [gives Poppy back her scrapbook]

(The gate closes, and Poppy, who is now saddened to hear that Viva couldn't come with her puts down the scrapbook. Branch approaches to her and puts his hand on Poppy. They exchange smiles, and the two leave to Mount Rageous)

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